Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire
By Miguel De La Cruz
- 1718 reads
Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire
Chapter Five
In the year 2020, Spain invaded mexico. How lucky for me, and unfortunate for Reyes. [New] Nuevo Barcelona popped up over night, enemy forces came from the gulf instantly. Like D-Day, but shooting civilians who dared stand in their way.
Sure, it seems like it would never happen. However, the world is fighting for resources, even as I write. The new occupants also brought mafia with them. La Patria. Headed by Armand Monacova, and leader of Monacova Technologies.
They also invaded the northern border, since the US turned their backs on us. Once green technology appeared mainstream, our oil wasn't wanted.
Enough of the politics, its time to meet Armand. That night we received an unwanted intruder, who we shot in the leg. Once we received the message, it was obvious they knew our location.
-Antonio Solar,
I know exactly who you are and what you've accomplished. Join or die. - Armand.
Fear has never been my strongsuit, but caution's my forte. So there was nothing to do but join... Even the fiercest creatures must wait for a chance to pounce.
"We are going to meet with him, Toro. After we accept his offer, in exchange for Reyes' life... We blow him up."
Pedro knew he'd be my personal guard, while we sorround the area with snipers. Toro looked worried, but nodded silently.
We let the intruder live, and we apologized for shooting the messenger. The meeting was to take place in front of a middle school, at high noon. It seems that he agreed, because he didn't know that most of my people are kids.
"Mr. Solar, I've heard so much..."
Armand dressed in only the finest suit money could buy. Six feet tall, gray hair, and a false smile.
"No doubt from the D.E.A."
To him, I was but a child. Dressed in modern clothes, and studded knuckle gloves.
"Relax. We're here to discuss-"
Negotiating tactic: Never let them have the upper hand.
"How many people do you have staking us out? My men say eight, armed with berretas...I won't be wanting tacos today."
A look of surprise appeared on his face immediately.
"My men outnumber yours, and have them in the cross hairs. I leave nothing to chance."
I showed no remorse, as we killed all of his men.
"There isn't a world in where you escape with your life. Unless..."
"Unless what?!"
Negotiating tactic #2: Instill fear in their hearts.
"I will offer the same deal to you. Join or die."
He knew reinforcements wouldn't arrive in time. The sirens wailed, but none of my men were seen. Debating the choice of dying, he opened his mouth, but I shoved a gun in it.
"Listen, Armand. This is a partnership, all you have to do is bring Reyes to me."
"I don't have enough men..."
"Then get some."
I aimed my pistol towards the inside of his cheeks and...
What a .350 magnum does to the side of someone's face isn't pretty. That was a message to all of spain, and the world. In these hellish lands of war, our blood runs cold.
We evaded the cops narrowly by running away with the other children. Then escaped by bicycle, after all, we are kids. We had cars parked about five miles away, with drivers at the ready.
We met up and drove out of town to buy food for the next two weeks. Did you think that my people don't eat? They also needed new shoes and shit. It was like I was their dad, basically taking care of them.
The exception being, if you're over the age of fourteen... Buy it yourself. My base had rules, not too strict, but people followed. Better than the streets and starving to death.
After a couple months, we sold the diamonds to Armand. He was still pissed that I shot him in the face, but he knew I don't fuck around. Money was not a factor now, but Reyes didn't know that...
In the midst of june, he attacked full force. His men burst through my gates and shot at mine.
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I quite like the understated
I quite like the understated brutality.
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Sound totally awsome!
Sounds totally awsome!
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