The Labour Planet - A Working Title - Part Fourteen - 1147 words

By Denzella
- 3150 reads
The Labour Planet – A Working Title – Part Fourteen - 1147 words
Seeing Jamie’s reaction all three started to move nearer to the enclosure.
‘Now will you believe me?’
‘I’m sorry we doubted you, Jamie, but both Georgia and I thought it was a consequence of that head injury because what you were saying just didn’t seem plausible.
‘No, it seemed too far-fetched, too fantastical.’
Suddenly Jamie looked animated.
Whittaker and Georgia stared in amazement even though they had seen him look like this before.
‘Jamie, it is good to see you are safe,’ came into Jamie’s head.
‘Thank you and it is good though unexpected to see you here too. I thought they wanted to keep us separate to prevent us from seeing you.
‘They had no choice; this is the only area big enough to keep us all confined that did not sustain damage.’
‘Oh, well it is good to be able to communicate with you again, and now my companions Tom Whittaker and Georgia believe you do exist.’
‘It is of no matter, but I must tell you there are two of your people missing. They are not in this temporary holding place.’
‘Perhaps they got injured getting here.’
‘No, we would have known.’
‘Well, Whittaker is the one in charge of the people from earth so will you transfer your thoughts to him now?’
‘No, we will only communicate with you.’
‘Why’s that?’
‘We only trust you.’
‘I don’t understand…’
‘We saw you help an old person when you were trying to get on the ship. It is what a Grusalien would do in that situation.’
‘But that was only because it was I who knocked her to the ground.’
‘Yes, we saw that too.’
‘That can’t be your only reason, surely?’
‘No, as I transferred just moments ago, two of your people are missing. And we know that there is at least one shapeshifter living in your community, so we have to be very careful. I must go now and tell my fellow Grusaliens that you are safe.’
‘What was that all about Jamie?’
‘I tried to get him to transfer to you, Tom, but he wouldn’t.’
‘Why do you think that was?’
‘He said they would only trust me.’
‘Did he give a reason?’
‘Yes, he said there is at least one shapeshifter living with us, possibly two, so he said they had to be very careful.’
Just then there was an ear-splitting scream from whatever powered the ship as it lurched violently to one side and then started dropping at an alarming rate. People started screaming too as they got thrown about in all directions. Georgia found herself on one side of the ship, Jamie and Whittaker on the other. Then another lurch took them cascading into each other.
Amidst the chaos, a siren began wailing adding to the cacophonous noise. First it was continuous but then it took on a higher intermittent sound which seemed to galvanize the Guardsmen as they could be seen running in all directions. They could see the Grusaliens weren’t faring any better than they were as they were being flung from side to side too. Still the ship was dropping as it lurched violently showering everyone with debris. Then over the speaker system,
‘Attention all Guardsmen this is your Commander we are battling to keep control of the ship, but the damage is more severe than we first thought…’
The Commander was cut off by what sounded like simultaneous explosions. It was some time before he could resume giving instructions.
‘It is imperative that we land as soon as possible therefore I have taken the decision to land on Exon. I know this may cause some alarm but the ship is in danger of disintegrating, and Exon is the nearest planet.
Jamie heard one of the two Guardsmen assigned to keep an eye on them from the other side of their compound take a sharp intake of breath before saying to his fellow companion,
‘Is he mad?’
‘Keep thoughts like that to yourself or you’ll get us both eliminated.’
‘Why should I, when he’s intent on steering us to certain death in any case.’
Jamie motioned to the other two to come over so that they might hear this exchange.
‘You heard him the ship is disintegrating.’
‘I’d sooner take my chance with the ship than land on Exon.’
‘Well, I’m going to speak with our Officer Templar,’ said the second Guardsman starting to walk away.
‘Okay, but be sure to come back and let me know what he says.’
The Guard just held up his hand by way of acknowledgment and carried on walking
Jamie backed away from where they were stood listening and once again he motioned to the other two to follow.
‘I don't think you heard all of that, did you?’
‘No, only the Guard saying he was going to speak with his superior.’
‘I think we should wait for him to come back because they were saying that they faced certain death if they landed on the planet they call Exon.’
‘Really?’ said Georgia chewing the inside of her mouth.
‘Are you sure that’s what he said?’
Jamie just pulled a face at having his information doubted yet again.
‘I’m sorry, Jamie, but it’s in the nature of my work that I question everything.’
‘Okay Tom, but that is what I heard.’
‘Then we must try to find out a bit more about this planet. What about your Grusaliens, Jamie? Could they tell us anything?’
‘I don’t know but it’s worth a try if we can get back to where we were before but with all this debris it could take a while.’
‘But at least I feel as if we are doing something,’ said Georgia.
‘Yes, I agree,’ said Whittaker.
‘I just hope none of them is injured because they were being tossed about like rag dolls too.’
‘Well, Jamie, we’re relying on you as you are the only person they will communicate with.’
‘Don’t worry, if they know anything then, I think they will tell me.’
The three of them slowly and carefully picked their way through the debris that had accumulated as a result of the ship’s sudden and violent lurches. They had almost reached the enclosure when Whittaker nodded to Jamie to try to communicate. However, just as they arrived, they could see one of the Grusaliens was lying very still on the floor while two others tended to him.
They stood robbed of speech at the incredible sight before them...
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Shape-shifters, thought
Shape-shifters, thought transference and the possibility of summary elimination! What's not to like. Keep going.
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So great to get some more of
So great to get some more of this story. I've been waiting, and well worth the wait it was.
Hope you are well, Moya.
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Nice to see you posting again
Nice to see you posting again, Moya. I hope your op goes OK, and doesn't take too much getting over re seeing clearly. It sounds from this as if I should re-read your last part sometime as you say you have been editing it. You seem to be keeping many options open! Rhiannon
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Sorry I've only just caught
Sorry I've only just caught up, but I've been concentrating on finishing my own novel. A great lot of plotting going on here and you've improved the further on you've got. Here and there I'd maybe cut back a little on the dialogue - perhaps more personal introspection? Good work to keep it going so long.
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