Consequences (IP)

By Rhiannonw
- 2829 reads
No school today!
The nurses trudge
through feet of snow but don’t begrudge
the effort to keep constancy of care.
No school today!
The mother moans,
the author Dad shuts doors and groans,
then thinks he’ll stop and their snow antics share.
No school today!
The farmers search their fields for lambs,
the nursing ewes and pregnant dams
to help them, and themselves cash losses spare.
No school today!
The mountain dwellers
struggle to reach the foolish fellers
from cities thinking crags a lark,
and of the lurking dangers unaware.
[IP: use an image of some kind (it could be a photograph, painting, or an object of any sort) in your narrative or poetry. - use the image as a structuring device to show parallel or interwoven events.]
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Hi Rhiannon
Hi Rhiannon
You did a very clever thing with this. I really enjoyed reading it.
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A Lovely picture and all of
A Lovely picture and all of the mixed reactions to it. Personally I'd love a bit of snow.
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Hi there, Rhiannon. A
Hi there, Rhiannon. A brilliant take on the I.P. and I can so identify with the circumstances regarding its writing. I, too, found immersing myself in writing poetry a boon when I used to accompany my daughter to her dreaded radiotherapy appointments at the Royal Marsden. It really helps. And if you can produce something like this on such occasions, the saying about an ill wind blowing nobody any good, springs to mind.
Much enjoyed.
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You are always good at
You are always good at finding an angle on the IP and you have scored a hit on this one.
Luigi x
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