Simmering Sibblings

By Silver Spun Sand
Mon, 06 Apr 2015
- 1883 reads
OK...I admit it. So,
I pissed my sister off....
doesn’t help, of course,
I’ve had three kids
in the space of so many years.
Easy-peasy, I told her.
A bit, nothing like
as easy as falling off a log.
Don’t get me wrong,
I’m not proud of what I did.
I don’t like upsetting her, poor lamb,
she puts up with enough;
details of which are sketchy,
and deliberately so
so let’s not go down that road;
definitely a no-no
even though her other half’s
reputedly, remotely related
to the nematode who waxed lyrical
about the nuptial nuances of the
three-toed tree frog.
Anyway, to cut a long story short,
popped round for lunch today
and there we are, just the two of us
sitting round the table,
pedalling away.
Great coffee, Sis,’I say.
What was wrong with the dessert?
she almost snarls.
Apparently, the lemon merinuge pie
should have got the accolades.
But how was I to know?
In reality the coffee was crap;
as for the lemon meringue pie?
Undeniably, food for thought.
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Sibblings, such a complex
Permalink Submitted by Philip Sidney on
Sibblings, such a complex relationship, I don't think I could even write about it, brave you! Such a clever piece.
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1 User voted this as great feedback
This made me laugh- very
Permalink Submitted by love_writing on
This made me laugh- very humourous! I can relate to the sisterly simmerings which run deep into adulthood. Nicely done :)
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1 User voted this as great feedback
I liked the colloquial voice,
I liked the colloquial voice, Tina. It's a slice of reality.
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