Moving On

By Silver Spun Sand
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Sad and charming
Lovely poem Silver. I like the way you convey the sense that we might try to concentrate our memories in objects that can then be discarded, but that we can never really do so. Short, bitter sweet and quite moving.
One little point: I think you lose the comma in 'dried, olive leaves' as it breaks the rhythm of the verse. Otherwise extremely good.
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Lovely Tina.
Lovely Tina.
So much feeling packed into a small space.
Just before he died I bought my father a Yorkie bar, he never did eat it and it stopped in my mother's fridge for ages. Then one day she said you'd better eat it. I took it home and it stayed in the back of the cupboard for years. I did eventually throw it away but only after numerous other attempts to do so.
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Hi Tina,
Hi Tina,
As always a very worthwhile read, rightfully emphasised with cherries rather than the damming effect of a life breath unnecesarily stolen by a comma... lovely
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Another one of yours that
Another one of yours that brings the tears to my eyes, possibly because I have my own beautiful daughter. And I've got one of those little piles of letters. You forge such direct connections with the reader. A gift of a poem.
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Who'd have thought a few
Who'd have thought a few things could be so moving? This is. You've captured that loop I find myself in, quite panicky sometimes, when I realise 'I can't ever go back.' There's a cruelty in the things we inherit or collect, you can almost taste the skin of them or that way the sunlight fell on some long ago day or the love in faces round a Christmas table. It's all there in this and it's matter of fact, not syrupy or sentimental. Fab IP.
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Poignant... great write!
Poignant... great write!
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We can't move on - that's why
We can't move on - that's why we can't let go of stuff when others can. I often wonder about that.
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Ha ha ha - you echo me again ;-)
Us modern 'young' lot have traipsed all over and not 'settled down'... and even through the continents, I have still managed to accumulate 'stuff', despite leaving things behind in my university dorm, Taiwan, England and Johannesburg!
Accumulation of stuff... I always wonder why I need it so much... but the answer is never a good one, so I ignore it and don't pack up the stuff ;-)
Keep well
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