Messages in the Silence
By cassiegoeswild
- 1274 reads
I can't believe there wasn't time
or a moment in the day that you
weren't free to think of me,
to wonder where I am
or what I'm doing, to miss me maybe
and tell me so.
Even though I know
you must be busy, that you have
much to occupy your time,
I can't believe there wasn't a brief interlude,
a bacon roll or cup of tea,
a chance to check your messages
and ponder on my absence,
or send me fond wishes that I'm on your mind.
The lack of greeting
of words un-uttered by the second,
sends messages written
across the sky, that shouts
a deafening sound, hurts my ears,
resounding in my ear - tells me;
"you're pushed aside to the back of his mind -
an annoyance he needs to disregard."
and accusations of a thousand
perceived committed crimes.
Perhaps that's not what you intend.
Perhaps like me, you're waiting to see
how long you can go without contact -
a bit of self denial.
Or maybe something else is wrong,
something that I don't know -
somewhere else you've had to go,
something to make you forget
you have a friend who's waiting
on the other end.
I sit here now
staring blankly at the wispy clouds,
listening to the clock tick by the seconds,
each one asking more questions,
wondering what's going through your mind,
each time yielding a fresh new "Why"
and what to read into the deafening silence
of your long absence.
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It is easy to read so much
It is easy to read so much into silence. When ordinary post was the only means of contact there was always the feeling, has the letter gone astray, and the waits were long anyway. In the end I suppose you have to make the first contact and ask what's going on!
It's also easy to get bothered by lack of facial expression and read into it all sorts of wrong interpretations without asking! The difficulties of communication and the ease of misunderstanding! Rhiannon
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Ah, the uncertainties of
Ah, the uncertainties of acute love. So long ago now for me that I can't even remember - it'll be like that for you too one day. Enjoy it while it lasts, Cassiegoeswild.
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How often I have wondered a
How often I have wondered a million different reasons for silence when often enough there are quite reasonable and normal reasons for lack of contact. Easily done though - especially with a creative mind.
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