Same shit, different day

By valiswaverider
- 4174 reads
The super rich send a drone attack
Then the terrorists' they hit back
And the people in the middle get caught in the middle
Get caught in the middle
Get bombed in the middle
Get shot in the middle
Get scared in the middle
Get angry in the middle
Squeezed by the extremists on either side
The super rich burn down the Reichstag
The German public gets really mad
Mr Hitler blames the Jews and his rich industrialist backers print it as news
And the people in the middle get killed in the middle
war fills the earth, sea and sky
People look to God and question why
Because rich men do as they please
Pervert public opinion, the media controls with ease
And the people in the middle get caught in the middle
Get shot in the middle
Get drone attacked in the middle
Watch their families die in the middle
Cry in the middle
Get ignored in the middle
Get upset in the middle
And some drift to the extremes
Extremes of poverty
Extremes of belief
Extremes of empowerment
But the people in the middle hang on in the middle
Don t want to be in the middle
Want to live and not be a victim
Money motivates the rich
Ideologly triggers the men with guns
Death and taxes make not right
So why does this illness persist
Its like we don t exist
A mass of humanity unheard
is this the way things are meant to be, man killing man for eternity ?
how do we make it stop?
Hold on to the middle and escape the extremes
thats the way to be human beings
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Intereting poem. A lot of
Intereting poem. A lot of issues to think about here, like how are terrorists created, and to what extent are those at the top of the wealth pile and the power pyramid responsible. The abuse of propaganda as in the Nazi period is a relevant comparison.
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This reminded me of the song,
This reminded me of the song, War wihtout Frontiers (I think that's what it's called something about frontiers) Beautiful stark reality and the way most of us feel.
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'War Without Frontiers' was a
'War Without Frontiers' was a Peter Gabriel song if I remember correctly Sooz. Yes it has the same feel!
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Well, well...
Well, well...
Apparently, not all are fooled!!
Great insightful poem!!!
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