a summery summary

By culturehero
- 1420 reads
The suited oafs sprawled horizontal on the grass like Romans, squinting through the sun into each other’s eyes. The grass was scorched dry beneath their solid flanks and submitted to the humid sagging cotton of their shirts. Their lust was manifest in each twitch of an eyebrow or swat of an insect. Despite the hordes of passing walkers from around the lake and meadows they were as if alone and deeply invigorated by their courtship. The fatter of the two carefully dropped pale red grapes into his partner’s mouth, the fruit hitting his pursed lips with a hollow guff. They tongued each other’s palms and nibbled each other’s sandwich crusts like little mammals. As the lunch hour drew to a close they were writhing like brawling beasts, astride first one and then the other, their shirts untucked and grassy, their trousers scuffed with dry soil on the knees and at other noted pressure points. In lieu of forceful kissing they began to claw at each other’s necks and chests, then to punch each other’s faces with increasing ferocity until they were busted and bloody, grunting and laughing and thrusting with each massive blow. Then they kissed regardless, cheered on by sun-drunk revellers, their spilt blood smeared between their cheeks like Rorschach tests of the very greatest lunacy. They helped each other up and slapped each other’s backs and returned to their offices, balls primed for later.
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Visceral. In parts beautiful
Visceral. In parts beautiful and in others grubby. Wonderfully imaginative!
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