Song of the Oh So Knowing

By Bee
- 7470 reads
We are poets - drowning
in squalls of emotions - deeply,
and ever so emphatically, we surface
the traditional three times -up-up-up
above the tumultuousness of grief
that sucks us down beneath indignity,
jacketed in rags of raging injustice.
We love too hard and hate as much. Trust
in words to alleviate cruel fears; songs
to sooth our festering wounds. We think
a verse might heal the world. Yet
just at the moment of rescue - we...
again -
tragic and loving it. We, devastated,
barely stutter at our thousand deaths,
each bravely died. But we are here for posterity,
glowing in the knowledge
that after we are dead, society
might mourn us; possibly even read us.
And though this secretly pleases us, we never
ever show it. We can't - we are poets.
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Hi Bee
I see the emotions you are conveying, personally I don't consider myself a poet. I just like to write from time to time. I know however there are some deep meanings in good poems with clever twist as well. I know some suffered for theirart, but that aint gonne be me.
I think you have painted the torment of these poor souls very well. Interesting format too.
Ed x
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This is so funny. You've
This is so funny. You've caught the essence of the poet so well. I totally get this and can fully make fun of myself for these sentiments. It made me laugh.
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Love this. Bloody art. Poetry
Love this. Bloody art. Poetry. Prose shit. Poetic bollocks. Suffragettes. Load of old codswallop, the pen, the sighs. Poetry and prose, codswallop, not your poem of course. Some folk at a local reading this week made me feel physically sick with their stubborn bowed heads, no eye contact, a swan-like woe is me perspective, warbly self indulgent voices and then criticising others when they read. Get a grip mate. Oh god, why don't they? Why don't I? It wasn't me, but god, I hope it wasn't me.
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Hi Bee,
Hi Bee,
I don't even understand how a poem is supposed to look, never having had anybody really show me the ropes. All I do know is that words fly around in my head, even when I'm doing the housework or out walking, or trying to get off to sleep, it's always been the same and I try to get them down as quickly as possible before they're lost forever.
I have to admit to getting really stressed if I can't create and the agitation won't go away until I've completed what I set out to do.
No I don't consider myself a poet, just someone who loves to create.
By the way...after all my words, just want to say I liked yours.
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VeraClark has said it all
VeraClark has said it all (see above). With a dramatic and tumultuous flounce, this very funny piece is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day!
Get a fantastic reading recommendation everyday
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Top hole, this one, Bee, and
Top hole, this one, Bee, and it deserves all its accolades Poetry surely isn't meant to be a kind of revered 'code', not in my book, anyway. Poetry shouldn't 'mean', but simply 'be...' That's what I fink, at any rate
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What a wonderful piece, Bee.
What a wonderful piece, Bee. I never think of myself as a poet, but in that statement have poisoned the well. Maybe those who are inclined to write have a sensitivity to everything, which urges them to notice and examine, but takes them through the great highs and lows that noticing and examining provoke. The burden, perhaps. But writers continue to write.
A lovely thoughtful poem, Bee, in your most open and engaging style.
I'm very grateful to a lovely American performer called Paula Varjack who, at an open-mic night in Bristol a few years ago railed at British poets who step up to the mic and apologise wittily for the work they're about to perform. I've just realised that I may have done that with the "wink", which I'll now have to leave in the comment or none of this will make the slightest sense. I love this poem at face-value Bee.
Parson Thru
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Still a beautiful piece of
Still a beautiful piece of work. And, yes Bee, we are still reading you.
PT x
Parson Thru
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