Life Begins at Forty ( Pt 3 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 2045 reads
Now I had my autograph I was happy, but was disappointed that I'd not achieved what I set out to do that morning, feeling so sure of being chatted up by some band member and maybe even getting to know them well, it goes to prove that being a fan is no easy task and you have to take the rough with the smooth.
Although hungry and thirsty there wasn't any chance of eating or drinking, time was of the essence. So I proceeded to follow three Metallica fans I'd got chatting to in the queue. They didn't seem to mind me tagging along, so I felt encouraged knowing I'd have welcome support as we made our way out the backstage section and approached the force of kids eager for Metallica to come on.
We couldn't see the back of the crowds, it was just an ocean of people that seemed to go on forever. I wondered just exactly how we were going to get to the other side, being as that was where we needed to get for the entrance to the snake pit.
Taking some deep breaths we cheekily squeezed our way into the swarm, engulfed – fighting our way ahead, almost getting swallowed up as the continual masses edged further forward then backwards, it was like the tide going in and out and we had no choice but to go with the flow.
We dare not let our backstage passes be seen, for fear of being swooped upon and having them ripped off us, which I wasn't about to let happen. People kept asking why we were pushing in? But again we never spoke just kept on squeezing through.
With my shoulders back and arms across my chest – a woman has to protect her boobs in these kind of situations! I rammed forward through the wall of bodies, each one furious and protesting at being shoved out the way, but it was the only route to the snake pit, so we ignored the ranting and carried on. I have no idea how long it took us to get to the other side, but Hallelujah! We made it falling out in one piece. Phew! I was convinced we'd never get to our destination, but hey! I was no weakling and had biceps to prove it.
Finally – after taking a few deep breaths, myself and my new acquaintances made our way up a slope and then backstage showing our passes to the security men, to which they directed us down in to the snake pit. It was like another world, a kind of diamond shaped pit and there was loads of room to move about, we were the lucky ones waiting for that moment when Metallica would hit the stage.
We didn't have to wait long as the crowds kept the energy going.
Metallica came running on and the lights went up, it was exhilarating and I was on cloud nine, I can only describe it as the biggest rush I'd had up until that moment, my whole body was electrified as they went into their first number – Bread Van. Lars Ulrich was doing his usual enthusiastic drumming which always had me headbanging.
The mighty James Hetfield bought the crowd to fever pitch with his amazing vocals. Jason Newstead on bass guitar always gave his all and provided so much energy – but then they all did in their own way. Kirk Hammett was and still is a genius on lead guitar with his magic fingers that makes the guitar look so easy. For me, they were the brightest shining stars in the sky that night.
When they played Bread Van, I was head banging like I always did in my own world of rhythm and beat, until from the corner of my eye I could feel and see flashes of really long hair flipping the side of my head, I didn't want to look but felt honored that someone else was joining me in my headbanging world, so I carried on, the music pulsating through me at great speed.
As Bread Van finished I turned to see who was beside me, it was then that I had to do a double take, my eyes opened and increased in size, a bit like one of those cartoon characters where the eyes pop out of the sockets, for there standing beside me was the stunningly beautiful Sebastian Bach, you could have hung me out to dry on a washing line at that moment, I would still have had a Cheshire cat grin on my face, he was even more drop dead gorgeous close up.
I didn't know what to say as he announced, “great show isn't it?” I of course continued smiling and nodded, wishing I could find the right words to say, but this was no ordinary man, the harder I foraged for words the more difficult it became. I didn't know what was wrong with me, normally I had so much confidence, but now I was acting like a timid, shy child as I could feel my face burning up and could imagine how red it looked.
I wanted so much to fling my arms around his shoulders and kiss him, while running my fingers through his amazing mane of hair, but as Metallica went into their next track of Master Of Puppets, my head had a mind all of its own, and again I was headbanging like there was no tomorrow. By the time they were well into Wherever I may Roam, I turned around to discover Sebastian had gone, I quickly scanned the pit like a lioness searching for her mate, but sadly he wasn't anywhere in sight.
On reflection I wish I'd asked for his autograph and got a picture taken with him, but I was so captivated and entranced by everything else that was going on, thinking straight didn't come into the equation and now I'd lost my chance, it was too late.
With my attention back on Metallica and shaking off my awful shyness, I once more entered metal mode, feeling the incredible vibes that resonated from the stage, with a light show and explosions that were to die for, leaving me spaced out and just wanting more and more. But you know what they say; all good things have to come to an end.
It was when they reached the end of their show, that they played my ultimate favorite track of theirs, which was One! It's basically about a man who in a landmine looses his legs, arms, hearing, eyesight and speech, the only thing he can do is think as he lays in a hospital bed and he wants to die. Metallica turned this story into an epic piece of sound and energy, that even today has me in awe and throwing myself around like a maniac every time I hear it.
The amount of explosions they had on that stage at the beginning of One, with the flashing lights put you right in the middle of a war zone and I could imagine how scary it would be, but I live that moment even now and thank Metallica for the greatest show and performance ever. I went away that night with many memories I was proud to have experienced.
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I don't know anything about
I don't know anything about Metallica, but you took me there.
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Hi Jenny
Hi Jenny
Such a different world to the one I live in. And you certainly firmly believed in what you were doing.
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You have enjoyed life to the full, Jenny, not caring about growing older. More power to your elbow!!!
Best Wishes,
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