A gathering of crows part 1
By alphadog1
- 1069 reads
‘The dream is a dark lagniappe. The crows are in flight. There are hundreds of them…hundreds of them…flying in a circle It’s early…early in the morning…or evening… I can’t be sure of which… the, the, cloud is touched with gold and steel . I see their three lobed eyes blink with slick greasy ease… their dark wings stretch out…causing the wind between the feathers to sound susurrus…The crows touch the cloud….Misty…grey…cold…the cloud is swirled into evanescent spirals that ripple at the wing tips…. the cloud become darker…heavy…then heavier… weighed by elemental pressure… A minute raindrop -lighter than air- takes shape….It begins to swell…It silently falls with other drops…through clouds to hurtle towards the ground…I follow it down. Down. Down. Faster and faster….I see the village – Bridgeton- from a very high point. All the slate rooves… the hills… The gnarled oak trees… The stone walls….all there in minute detail…I, I follow the rain drop….It falls down… as a tear from God…down… until, until it touches my cheek.’
‘-And, you awake screaming?’
-‘it’s been the same dream now for months. I fall and I…I-’
‘… listen…you’ve been under a lot of anxiety of late. The death of your brother-‘
-What’s that go to do with it? That, that was two years ago. I’m I’m dealing with that-‘
'-Be honest, you’ve not let him go.’
‘- he is, was, my, my brother, I love… loved him.
They sat in the musty oak veneered and book filled vestry. A room that naturally doubled up as Father Douglas’s study. Light came in through the arched lead- lined window that was behind where Dawn sat, leaning forward. Her hands pressed together, her creased face, wrought with lines of anxiety. Dust particles floated as the grey cloud gave way to yellow morning sunlight. They swam lighter than air before they dissolved into the dark once more. The pale ochre turned to dark earth, with the turning of a spade. Father Douglas solemnly stared at Dawn from his red leather wingback chair. His large oval, opal eyes glistened.
Dawn watched Father Douglas carefully. She noted that his partially bald head had a trace of sweat; and that for the third time in half an hour, he looked as if he was on the verge of saying something. His lips were parted, almost trembling. Words were being fought against with a shake of his head, that reminded Dawn of an attempt to defend oneself against an angry wasp in late summer.
She chose to release the situation from him.
‘I, I have to admit father…’ the word “ father “clawed at Dawn’s throat. ‘ I… I That I think you’re right… I, I haven’t let Davey go…He was, is my little brother an, an I…’
‘- it’s understandable….’ Dawn received comfort in the gentle sounds of Father Douglas’s voice. ‘…The loss of a loved one takes time…Sometimes it never really leaves.’
‘-I know father…’ She faltered again as she stared into his eyes. ‘…You’ve been a huge help since, his, his..’ a tear formed.
Father Douglas got up from the chair, he reached for her and hugged her gently. ‘There, there, there… there.’ His old voice sounded cracked, tired yet kind.
They released slowly.
In penumbra from the lead-lined window, Father Douglas McIntyre Brooded at Dawn’s back as she left the tiny church of St Andrews and walked down the path towards church Street. His eyes narrowed as the grandfather clock, in the left hand corner of the room, ticked the seconds off in dark regularity.
Dawn left the small church. She covered her fetching thick chestnut, tousled hair, with the hood of her black fur-lined winter coat. Her sharp clicking shoes, becoming a resonating echo down the narrow concrete path. How long had it been? Two years, yes two years since Davey’s sudden death. His body found in his attic bedroom. No trace of a weapon… nothing found…. Not a fingerprint nor a footprint…despite the blood….The blood.
She remembered the day too well. The phone call…the police… going to the Mortuary, in Exeter, to view the corpse. His face…. his handsome, youthful, face. Broken. Savaged. Dented with vile, viscous te filled blows. What caused that hate? Why? Davey was an innocent.
She blocked that image. She didn’t want to see that dead face. She wanted to see Davey, as she remembered him. The bright cornflower eyes, the brown scraggly mop of hair on top. The pointed chin and the narrow nose beneath. The wry smile or that cheeky grin. White teeth. Smiles and laughter…Yes…Smiles and laughter. Then there was a return of loss and the sudden stab of heartache that came with it.
His loss brought the end to her family. She was all alone. Alone with nothing but the dry crusty church; and the crumbling faces of the parishioners for company. Most of whom, it had to be said, or, at least considered, were unable to try to resolve, either her anger or her frustration. No, she corrected herself, there were two. Father Douglas, who had listened, given support and occasionally prayed with her and, of course, Dorothea…Dorathea…Why hadn’t she mentioned Dorothea to Father Douglas? after all… it was her funeral today.
Dorothea’s cracked face and tired eyes shone. Another pang came. As she walked towards the village shops, her forest green eyes with their own crow’s feet, became misty. Perhaps …perhaps I’m afraid to…. Though that’s silly…She looked at her watch. 10:35… time enough for a tea in the Cakehouse before the funeral-
There was a sudden very loud “Caw”. A Crow flew past her head. Its wings clipped her hood. The sudden sound brought her out of herself. She looked up, absorbing the scene. She shuddered violently. The sky was becoming dark with storm and something else… Crows had slowly begun to gather.
“ The cakehouse” can only be described as artisan. Away went the 60’s style greasy joe, after the old “Bridgeton Café” owners moved to Exeter -or so she had heard via the village gossip-. Now the old place had a late Victorian feel. The newly added arched windows had a selection of pastries and breads next to a large heavy oak counter. The old greasy cream walls had been painted with a mixture of Chartreuse and olive green ; also the tired, chipped plastic counter at the back had been removed to make way for more tables. Instead, rough wooden steps at the back of the café, ascended into the secret recesses where, behind a newly painted white door, the new owners could be heard clattering cups and plates to fill their orders. In short, Dawn approved. Besides the tea was very nice and so was the Carrot Cake. She forked off a corner of the crumbling cake onto her stainless steel fork, and tasted the morsel. A slight twinge of pleasure filled her mouth and then her stomach.
‘-Are yer goin’ to Dorathea’s funeral? I ‘eard th’ ‘ole village will be thur.’
The voice caught her off guard. It was Elizabeth Cawerson, though Dawn recalled she liked to be called “Dizzy” due to her liking for wine at Three Arms. She had the ruddy face to prove it.
Dawn smiled and looked down into her cup of steaming earl grey. ‘yes…yes, I intend to.’
‘-Thur’s goin’ to be a huge wake at th’ Arms if yur comin?’
‘-I might…it, it depends.’
Dizzy stared at her. The word “depends” were perceived as a look of bewilderment upon her round face, who’d not like to go to the Arms? To defend herself from the onslaught that would inevitably infer, if she refused, Dawn quickly added: ‘I, I have a distant cousin coming for tea. He has some information about Davey… so …he… said.’ It was a lie. But convincing enough to sound true.
Dizzy looked sadly down. There was a clatter of plates and a murmur of voices. ‘Losin’ Davey was tough for us all. Many o’ us looked to him, fer, yer know…Even though I’m new, Davey helped me wit’ his ways….Worse than losing a doctor that.’ With a sad smile Dizzy stood to leave. ‘Well, I best be goin’, got a mountain to do a’fore fune-ral.’
As she rose, there was a sudden sharp clatter, crash and a hideous screech at the window. The clientele stared towards the front of the shop; just as the middle pane exploded inwards.
Glass scattered.
The cake house became silent.
People stared.
A crow stood in the broken window frame. The narrow beak bobbed, the wings flapped aggressively. It Caw’ed, raising its head as it did so. Another Crow came, Then another, and another. They stood there. Looking in at the people sitting at their tables aggressively claiming their demesne; their heads motionless. Their three lobed eyes black blinking, greasy grey black. All three stared directly at Dawn.
Suddenly they rose. One at a time, they circled inside the shop. Flying low,scratching at the heads of the clientele as they did so. Cutting the soft skin with their talons. With a squeal , Dizzy ducked, as one attacked her hair. While another went for an old gentleman sitting by the entrance; as the third, once it had completed its circuit, stood on the counter staring at Dawn. Blinking its black eyes. Then they flew out, one at a time and were gone.
The following silence was numbing.
‘-Me god’s’ said one.
‘-That be baaad. Said another.
A third silently wept in shock.
‘I’m sorry I have to go.’ Dawn said to nervously to nobody. She stumbled as she made her way out of the buzzing room and onto the high street. She looked up at the slow gathering dark clouds, and the truculent rustling of feathers that was gathering in the wind. Slowly she crossed the high street and followed the old red wall as it descended and then rose a sharply into middle distance; where the medieval block tower of St Andrews church, and the fingers of the old yew trees could be glimpsed.
In the gathering storm, the assemblage of mourners, wrapped black against the rain, seemed to her, disembodied the darkening light. Everything began to unravel into unreality. Suddenly, a westerly tore down the street, making the trees rustle and the gathering crows call out in rasping CAW’s; and as they called out. Suddenly, for no reason that she could fathom, Dorothea appeared in her mind. -I have some news, some news about Davey… listen, listen , Dawn Listen!’ Dawn fought against the image; thrusting it from her mind. ‘Come on Dawn ! Hold it together!’ The words failed to work. She had reached the church now and with that a deeper anxiety began to fester inside her.
During the summer, these haphazard heaps of fragmented stone, ravaged and twisted by age, had almost been lost amongst the tall pointed brown stalks of the wild grasses. They had become home to blue winged butterflies and the plump bumble bees, whom floated about them with spectral abandon; around the shadows of the ancient gnarled and twisted oak tree’s, who with their lush green leaves , looked down upon the stones with kind friendly faces. Their branches, open arms, giving the appearance protection to this now long departed congregation.
However, in the dark, brought about by the season’s change, and the strangeness of the day, came the twisted things. The old stones were now riddled with Verdigris. They were homes to plump shiny hairless spiders; whose over-long spindling legs took a careful strokes, over the aged copper bold fronted letters ; or covered the stone creases, with gossamer, to hide the names of interred. Leaving, in their stead, pale pearls of moisture gathering in tiny cold blue droplets. While the naked trees, broken backed and saw toothed, heaved as they leaned over; ready for revenge…It was as if… Dawn thought… as if… the long interred dead had come to welcome her dear, dear, dead friend , with both savage triumph and hideous laughter.
She looked down as she made her way towards the heavy faced pall-bearers, around the finely polished rose-wood casket. Looking towards her right, she saw Father Douglas who –after greeting a couple of the mourners- slowly began to limp towards her, across the brown damp grass. There was a sharp screeching sound followed by a ‘click, click’ and a rasping reaching ‘Caw…caw.’ It made her jump and look around. Upon one of the aged grave-stones rested another crow. Only this was the biggest that she had ever seen. its’ sinewy, scaled three toed talons, made a nerve-shredding gravelly scraping sound, as it extended its long pointed claws upon the crumbling stone for support. It let out another rasping ‘Caw’; as it aggressively bobbed its head, then stretched and throbbed its large shiny black wings in a sudden sharp move. It made her jump back a little. The crow called out once more; and from above, came a reply.
She looked up to see another crow, just as huge as the first, slowly curl down from the grey spectral sky, to settle upon another of the broken grey-brown stones directly in front of her. Then another and another and another. They stared at the growing congregation blackly. Their eyes, a black pale glistening slick, flicked up once… twice… then slowly one final time, to stare with alien malign intensity.
Dawn felt nervous. They’re looking at me… I know it…I can feel their cold eyes burning into me.. .Its’ as if they’re absorbing me…I don’ want to be absorbed… taken by these creatures.
’I’m not one of you!’ The desperate words fell from her mouth as a bitter, half meant, prayer. She shuddered, as the creatures stared. Then, came an answer from their cold, dark world. A world that she could almost touch; for the crows called out in unison and they were calling out to her. ‘Dawn Shaw… Dawn Shaw… CAW’ click, click, ‘CAW, CAW… CAW!’
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a murder of crows. Yeh, I
a murder of crows. Yeh, I understand the symbolism.
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Very atmospheric, building
Very atmospheric, building the tension well. I particularly liked the paragraph beginning 'During the summer...' - I really felt this description. I am quite nervous about reading Part Two!
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