
By fidud
- 1965 reads
Smite the dust of the land with thine rod which was a serpent
And the poverty tourists shall dribble and drool over that land
Where flies shall tease scabs and boils and eyelashes
And bellies of brown alabaster anguish under hot sun.
They shall take photographs and video footage.
H-a-r-r-o-w-i-n-g they shall drawl.
Smite the dust of the land with thine rod which was a serpent
And terrorists, which are children shall scour that land
And more bombs shall explode and shatter brown lives
And white bodies shall scatter and guileless women shall
Complain as much about the litter on the village green.
A-p-p-a-l-l-i-n-g they shall drawl.
Smite the dust of the land with thine rod which was a serpent
And the earth shall quake and the seas shall rise up and swallow that land.
And meagre trappings shall be tossed as careless as lives
And homes shall be splintered along with the hopes of the poor.
And a silence shall fall broken only by the crunching of popcorn
H-e-a-r-t-b-r-e-a-k-i-n-g they shall drawl.
Smite the dust of the land with thine rod which was a serpent
And disease shall enter souls and anger shall creep across that land.
And beatings and shootings and the attitudes of youths
Shall be squashed between frail fingers and remain there
Like dead flies, as those fingers shall point, in sanctimonious terror
A-t-r-o-c-i-o-u-s they shall drawl.
Smite the dust of the land with thine rod which was a serpent
And the skins of brides shall buckle and fray and shed across that land
and mothers shall revere duty above their daughters’ bodies.
And fathers shall put aside the thrill and feel the mock of lust
And stand upright as citizens in awkward pride
B-a-r-b-a-r-o-u-s they shall drawl.
Smite the dust of the land with thine rod which was a serpent
And wretched pain shall scorch those blighted plains and cities
And stroboscopic suffering shall rattle its mark across the world
And misery and despair shall be burnt into the depths of men
who clutch at straws and panic just a little.
U-n-b-e-a-r-a-b-l-e they shall whisper.
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The construction of this is
The construction of this is the making of it - particlarly that last line in each stanza. Brilliantly done.
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What a powerful piece!
What a powerful piece!
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This has really stayed with
This has really stayed with me since I first read it - that's why it's our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day!
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A searing indictment of us
A searing indictment of us all. I loved it and have read it several times now.
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This is so true, and the
This is so true, and the biblical form and feel work brilliantly. Are you still writing?
Parson Thru
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