The BC Adventure 41

By jeand
- 1378 reads
Salt Spring Island
December, 15, 1922
Dear Mums and Daddy and Dorothy,
I can't believe it is the 3rd Christmas we will be having here, and my best of all presents, is that Mark will be here for two whole weeks. He managed to get his way paid by work, as he has to buy a bit of equipment and some reports to give in
Vancouver. Oh, how I wish he would not have to go back. But he will accompany me to Vancouver, and see me off on my long train journey, and then he will return to Cedar Creek – for who knows how long. He says that he won't stay beyond August, but I am hoping he will return long before then. I want him with me when the baby is born in April.
Una and her children are well. Nancy is starting to smile now, and is behaving very well. Peter thinks she is a waste of time and space, since she can't play with him yet.
Our weather has been a mixture of sunshine and very cold weather. There is some snow, and you see more sleighs than buggies being drawn.
Mr. Bullock gave us loads of holly to decorate our houses. He is a very lovely man. I rather think he has taken a shine to Mark's mother, but she is still mourning, although she has gone out of black and wears some blues and purple outfits now.
A few days ago, we were serenaded by Beryl and her bunch of friends who came carolling. They apparently raised $50 for church funds, and had a wonderful doing it.
We are invited to Mr. Bullock's for supper tonight, and then after that there is a 25th anniversary party for Kathleen and Bob Scott. Beryl is doing all the arrangements for that.
I'm so pleased I have a companion for my trip across Canada and on the ship. It is Miss Agnes Cartwright. She is only 17, so her family are as pleased for her to have company as I am. Her mother died, leaving her and her two brothers with their step father, and I think she was anxious to return to her mother's family once more. I don't really know her well, but it will be good to have company on such a
journey. All ships depart from St. Johns in the winter. We will be on the Montclare. It is a big ship and should be quite comfortable. We leave January 16.
I will be seeing you in about a month, all being well, and how I am looking forward to that.
Much love from us all,
January 2nd
Dear Mums, Daddy and Dorothy,
One last letter from me.
We had our names in the local newspaper for the last time for Mark and me, anyway. It was at Beryl's birthday party. You remember last year when we went, we all signed her diary – but she didn't have us do that this year. I have cut out the article for you to read.
Among the many New Year's Eve
parties on Salt Spring island was a
very successful one at Harbour House
Ganges, at which Mr. and Mrs. Frank
L Scott were host ad hostess in
honour of the birthday of their daugh-
ter, Miss Beryl Scott. Between fifty
and sixty friends were present and a
thoroughly enjoyable time was spent.
As well an dancing, for which Mr. P
E Lowther supplied the music, there
were all manner of Christmas games,
in which both the young and elder
guests joined. A room was also set
apart for cards. The decorations
were chiefly of holly and mistletoe.
Among the visitors were: Mr
and Dr. Suthrland, Mr and Mrs. W
E Scott, Miss Scott, Mrs. Day, Mrs
Hatley, Major and Mrs. Day, Capt
and Mrs Richmond, Mr and Mrs. F
Speed, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Crofton
Mr and Mrs. Frank Crofton, Mr Geo
Barradale, Miss Barradalle, Mr and
Mrs. Arthur Elliott, Mrs H A Robin
son , Mr H W Bullock , Mr. Penrose
Mrs. Best, Mr. H Price, Mr. H Price
Mr. Robertshaw, Miss Cartwright
Miss Aitkens, Miss Harris, Mr P
Beech, Mr. Max Calthorp, Mr. Hoole
Mr. Butterfield.
Mark and I have a day at the Grovenor Hotel in Vancouver before I leave. It is supposed to be a very lovely hotel – a sort of family place, having no beer parlour or cocktail lounge.
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I suppose the weather there
I suppose the weather there is very mild for Canada. The journey home sounds well planned, - will provide some interesting detail I should think, but it will be very hard if they can't meet up until August. Is she planning to stay in England? Rhiannon
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So much time apart for the
So much time apart for the couple must be hard, especially with a baby now on the way.
I hope they enjoyed their break together.
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