The BC Adventure 44
By jeand
- 1265 reads
14 May, 1923
Cedar Creek
My Dear sweet Mummie wife
I've just heard that the two mails a week have started, so not to lose it this time I'm writing this to go out by it. That's all rotten preamble.
You splendid darling Pet. I got the wire on Saturday afternoon 12th “Mother and Daughter both well“ and I thanked God in my heart more than ever I've done in my life, dearest.
My last letter I'm afraid you must have thought very miserable. That was written on Thursday. On Friday evening I got your dear old letter – just the usual grand cheery splendid letter that you've been
sending me all along, bless you. And then I plucked up spirit and was much more cheery on Saturday, though it was not till about 4 p.m. that the boy who runs the company gas boat brought me the line up the hill. I was busy putting up trestles for sluice boxes at the time and I felt as if I could have jumped right over them. How I rejoined precious lamb. It's just you I've thought of all along but now I suppose I shall get hell if I don't worship our daughter. Seems odd to have a daughter. I've not got used to it yet. It's nice too. Rather have a daughter than a son – more faithful creatures. What is it “a son's a son till he gets him a wife, but a daughter's a daughter the whole of her life.” Yesterday was Sunday so couldn’t send a line but sent a cable to you sending “much love to both
Mark”. Also sent a copy of your cable to Vesuvius.
In Mum's last letter by the way, she spoke of going home in June. I hoped to see her before she went but I doubt if I'll manage it, but you said I was to come to you in the autumn anyway.
Very good taste of you to have a daughter darling. How did you mange it? Like most things just to please me I expect. I don't think I meant to tell you, but within an hour of getting the cable I went to our little camp of last summer and thanked heaven very sincerely for my cable and the answer to my prayers. I'm not being mushy darling and it may have been sentimental but you’re not to laugh at me 'cos I was very happy and very much in earnest and I felt that I was being dealt with much better than I deserve and have to be very very grateful. I'm going to write lots more for Friday but I wanted to get this line off as I heard there was a chance. God bless and keep you both safe and well precious sweetheart.
For always your adoring
PS1 All clothing arrived excellent forgot to say before I was too anxious. Boots are splendid. Am wearing out the old ones first.
ps2 I had a very nice letter from brother George last mail. Will send it along when I've answered it.
ps3 My best love to grandparents. Auntie Joan pleased, others disappointed.
Ps4 Muir gave me hearty congrats and told me Miss White had been anxious about you thinking you had left the journey rather late.
11 June, 1923
Cedar Creek
My own Lovey darling,
Your letter last Tuesday written on the 16th was a special one, 'cos its the first mummy letter from you, precious. Such a sweet one dear old pet. Life is so different these days, with much lovely
news, of you. I'll tell you about the jumble up here presently but it doesn't worry me any at all these days just proving that I've always known, that my whole life and being and happiness is just bound up totally in yours, my Sweetheart.
Julia Rosalind does splendidly. May she be as sweet as her grandma Julia and need never complain. You may have your little jest with Rosalind. I loved that. Just a splendid notion. I wonder if you'll ever let on to her why she got her second name. You no doubt see why she should have been a boy of course. You may remember at one rather special moment my saying, “God grant us a baby one millionth part as sweet as you sweet darling perfection itself “ – do you? 'Cos I do very clearly, Duckie. Well, how could heaven have granted an earnest request like that by a mere boy? 'Cos the boy could never have been a ten millionth part as sweet as you Gwen. It's obvious and I'm not surprised at all, 'cos Heaven has been very good to me all these months, looking after you for me. That must sound slushy but I've got faith in some things, and these months have shaken me up inside more than any other happening in my life. I'm very very thankful, precious Mummie wife. Babe sounds all right. You didn't say anything as to weight. Couldn't have been very small considering how
she trussed your splendid stays and made you write sitting sideways. I hope she wasn't too monstrous 'cos she must have been horribly painful at the finish of it. You didn't say anything about that but I expect it was awfully painful and that why you said nothing about it, poor lambkins. So glad nurse sounds so splendid. I'd love to have a shot or two with the latter to celebrate.
Yesterday Morgan and I went to the dam and got a bottle so we were able to drink her health. Bless her (babe not nurse, I mean).
So Williams mowed the lawn for her in case she might like a game of tennis. Lovely letter from Mater. Her adjectives are great, perfect, plump, placid, pretty. By the way there seems to be lots of P about her - not too much on your lap I hope. All right, all right, I won't be flippant any more. I apologize.
As to this show the Trent company took us over as temporary receivers a day ago Wendell, the mining man is here too after just shutting the new plant I've put in. They decided to close down to try and raise some money but I think it likely they will start it once again in a day or two with a reduced load. If they shut down for a time, sizable period, I shall probably stay on as one of the 4 interim caretakers with cash payment by the Trust Co. I think it would give us something in the long off and also keep me in the neighborhood to look after my venture I may be interested in e.g. the property in the neighborhood of Spanish Creek or rather the Water Park. I am fairly well satisfied with things as they stand. Wendall has agreed with me so far as my water scheme and is a very nice fellow a man of 60 or so. A good placer man I feel sure is going to get on like us and not with the horror of ideas of the Klondike miners.
God bless you Darling, so hoping for your letter tomorrow.
For always your adoring
ps about time I came across with that birth present. Not forgotten.
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It's very touching to read
It's very touching to read his delight and his thankfulness. Did you say she's in England, but going on to Wales soon? Rhiannon
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I love the fact that his
I love the fact that his spirits were lifted by the good new of a baby girl. It's also good to know she's being looked after so well.
Still very much enjoying reading Jean.
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