Marblebay- Chapter One
By Nikpal361
- 1317 reads
I had no clue what brought me there. For a week I had a constant tug to go to Marblebay National park. The feeling was there and I battled it. I was never to Marblebay. I only heard about it in the weekly newspaper. I always forgot what the articles were about. I eventually surrendered to my feeling. Cold waves licked my ankles as I walked into the lake water. Something pulled me in, a feeling and tug inside. The rocks underfoot were kind of smooth, but hurt, so I moved just up to my knees, where the sand just barely began.
A chilling wind gushed around me and a shiver went down my spine. I suddenly had my usual after thoughts that come as soon as I follow some weird hunch.
My thoughts screamed at me "This is silly. You are freezing your butt off in a lake you never been to because a newspaper and-"
A loud splash interrupted my thoughts and pushed a blood-tingling scream out of my mouth. Chills and fright filled my body like an empty cup being filled by heavy down pour.
A man, about 6 foot, stood by me.
"Sorry, I scare easy." I told him clearly embarrassed.
"It is ok. I am a detective. Can you help me find a missing key? It goes to a locked cemetary." he said.
I must have been giving him the weirdest look in the world, so he continued, saying "My boss wants to check on the old cemetary down the road. Someone stole the key. In fact, they knocked out the security guard. Well, not knocked out, but somehow made him sleep. Weird case file. Wish I knew more."
I walked to him and stepped on something. I bent down, picking it up, and soaked myself in lake water as I slipped.
"THE KEY!" I screamed, unsure why I was screaming.
He smiled, took it, and just walked right to his car and stormed over to that small town cemetary that probably has people from the 1700s in it's tombs.
After that, I decided to end my weird day and drive home. Lucky for me, my car was close. I ran as fast as I could. I never got in the car so quick. As I was driving home, I passed the cemetary. I did not even realize it on the way to Marblebay. The detective was unlocking the gate. He saw me and waved. I tried to just kept driving, but something ripped the steering wheel right out of my hand. All of a sudden a vision filled my eyes and the dark clouds above me disappeared in a slow sliding movement. The detective was just a boy in the visions that laid before my eyes. He was looking at something on the ground. There, on the ground was a cemetary block. Around him, open field was framed by trees. A small house was in the background. I tried to scream as terror gripped realization struck me. The boy was standing in this cemetary. That is not what got to me the most, the tombstone said 1596 and the name was my so many greats grandfather, Chief Crazy Beaver. The apparition of the young detective wore what looked like to me to be an explorers uniform.
An older man, tall as the detective is now, walked over with a strut and said "Now Marblebay shall be the name of the bay."
Slowly spinning away, the vision left. I let out the loudest most highest pitch scream as the detective ghost stood, grinning, before me.
He said in the most sarcastic voice ever "You know why it is called Marblebay? Your relative, king of the fighters, died and was buried below this gravestone of marble. Also, if you are clueless to fighters, being quite a young fella, they are the enemies of my great ancestors. I am not like my ancestors. I want to help you. I used the key as a lure. When put in water, the almighty fighters are pulled to the soaked key. Better watch those pulls, because sometimes-Heck! Most of the time!- my relatives are evil, sly creatures. Oh, and by the way! You thought I was a ghost! Yeah! You! I can read your mind."
I think that is where I lost track of him and was staring at the glowing key. The key was supposed to stay on the ground but it was flying above the detective-or whoevers- head and spinning around and around, right to left. The detective noticed and looked up.
"Oh not again! My dang relatives are near! You were not listening at all were you?" He called in a great tone that said many things.
"Well...sort of listening..." I squeaked.
Shadows seeped out of the graves and slowly figures formed around us. Then, slow minded me, realized where the heck was my car!
"My car could have brought me safety you idiot! Now look! Your relatives encircle us and we have noth- Oh, they are able to go through cracks. But still! Where is my car!" I screamed louder than I should have.
"Eh, somewhere." He said without emotion in his voice.
The shadows started to make zombie-like noises and I did the most unpredictable, most never thought through thing I ever did in my entire life. I grabbed the detectives coat, got down on me knees, and begged him to get us out of the situation. He just smiled and stuck his hand inside his coat while I stood up from my begging of mercy. He pulled out a circular device that was also glowing.
He smirked and said "Told you I would protect you."
I started to say "What will a circle do to protect us?," but he interrupted me at "Wha-"
"Shh, shh, now darling. Stop being a little child."
He threw the circle like a frisbee and then he handed me a pair of sunglasses.
"Put these on."
"What are you, my dad?" I said, trying out his sarcasm.
Still, I put them on. As soon as I did, I felt light headed. All of a sudden, we were in front of my parent's mansion.
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You capture the odd, surreal
You capture the odd, surreal nature of a dream very well in the first part of this story. I like the flashes of humour as well. Personally I'm not a fan of 'it was all a dream' endings - although, again, there are some nice touches of humour here - and I wonder if you have considered following this story further? I too would like to know more about Marblebay!
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And now we have a very
And now we have a very different story! You obviously have a feel for the supernatural. Please do continue with your writing, if you enjoy it. Or if you feel it is rewarding even when it's difficult and nothing seems to come easily. Look forward to seeing more.
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