A Logical Proof As To Why I Resent God
By evancromwell
- 451 reads
Negative Event (NE) - an event that upsets the subject
Positive Event (PE) - an event that pleases the subject
Desire (D) - a course of events that the subject believes will bring satisfaction
Control (C) - the ability to alter one's environment to meet their Desire
God (G) - a being with complete Control, in any situation
A Negative Event occurs when an action occurs beyond a being's Control and Desire. For example: Tim's cat got ran over. Tim is mad at the driver he had no power to stop, and sad at the loss of a cat he did not wish dead.
If ~(C and D) then NE
A Positive Event occurs when an action occurs within the subject's Desire. A Positive Event does not require Control. For example: Tim wins the lottery. Tim is pleased that his Desire for capital is met, despite having no Control over the situation.
If D then PE
Complete Control is only acheivable by God
C if and only if G
If a being has complete Control, then they will always be able to meet their Desire
If C then D
If C then D
C if and only if G
Conclusion: If G then D
If ~C and ~D then NE
If D then PE
If G then D
Conlusion: If G then PE and if ~ G then (NE or PE)
What this all means: All emotions are tied to the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of our Desire. Control is (probably) the only way to consistently meet our Desire. The only being with Control is God. Therefore God is (probably) the only being capable of being happy due to anything other than circumstance. Therefore, to strive to be happy is to strive to be God. Furthermore, since we can never meet this Desire to be God, existance for anyone other than God is a Negative Event.
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Algebra was never my strong
Algebra was never my strong point.
MTBOWYG (emtybeeowig) seems the best way forward.
Name not to be confused with the Anglo Saxon settlement just north of the Humber.
Parson Thru
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