Secret Of The Forest
By mcscraic
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Secret Of The Forest
By Paul McCann
Megan and John had been in love for many years but when their love grew old they became cold and distant to each other . Both of them knew that their was a problem but were unsure how they could make things better . The wonderful thing about this situation was they both wanting to recapture that special magic of love and that’s why fate stepped in to help them .
One morning as they were having breakfast Megan said ,
“John we always working and never spend time together much anymore .“
John looked at her and replied .“So what are you trying to tell me ?
” Do you want to go on a journey with me ?”
Immediately John said .“ Sure where are we going ?
Megan sighed and took a deep breath and said .
“ Somewhere where we’ve never ever been .before. “
John looked a little worried but replied .
“ Why not Megan . We can take some time off work .“
“Lets go discover somewhere different .“
“Ok where .“
Suddenly the phone rang and John took the call .
“Hello . John here , how can I help ?”
The person on the other end of the line said ,
“Your order is ready for delivery . Can you please give us the postal address .“
John said, “What order was that ?”
The person on the other end of the line said ,
“One special Black Forest Strawberry and Chocolate Cake .“
John looked over at Megan and said .“Did you order a Black Forest cake ?”
She looked puzzled and replied “ What are you talking about .“
John spoke over the phone and said ,
“You have the wrong number “
And then he hung up the phone and Megan said ,
“ I was thinking of booking into one of the beach resorts for a few days .“
John replied .“ Sure .“
Megan said ,“ So who was on the phone.?”
“Somebody who said we had ordered a Black Forest Cake ?
Suddenly the phone rang again .
John took the call and said .
“Hello “
The person on the other end said ,
“Are you picking up your Black Forest Cake or shall we have it delivered ?“
John replied ,
“You have the wrong number “And the hung up the phone ,
Megan looked at her wristwatch and said ,
“ So if you’re in agreement I’ll make the booking today for the resort ?”
John replied .“ Ok “
Megan responded .
Are you sure ?”
The phone rang again , this time Megan took the call
“Hello Megan here . What can I do for you ?”
“We have your Black Forest Cake ready to be delivered ?”
Megan replied .
“ Who am I talking to ?”
Suddenly the phone line went dead and the electric went off
Megan said .
“What is going on this morning ?”
John replied
“Probably just a power outage. Nothing to worry about .”
Megan replied ,
“Did you pay the electrc bill “?
“Of course I did . Maybe its a sign ?
John said .
“What are you talking about .?”
said Megan and John replied ,
Well think about it , a strange caller talking about some Black Forest Cake and you think we should go somewhere different . So all I’m saying is maybe we should go to the Black Forest. I’ve heard its beautiful there “
Megan responded .
“It sounds crazy, but ok , lets do that . You book the tickets and we’ll go .“
Life sometimes is about seizing the moment . Taking a chance to do something a little different and within a few days Megan and John were on a plane travelling to Germany bound for a place called the Black Forest .
John and Megan picked up their hire car at the airport and were on the freeway South to a camp site deep in the heart of the black forest on their journey to discover new places .
John was driving and Megan was reading some travel brochures The car radio was playing some good drive music songs .
Megan looked up and said ,
The travel brochure has some beautiful scenery photos of the Black Forest .
John replied
“I heard that there are thousands of missing persons who have gone there and reports of strange happenings in there .“
“I hope we aren’t added to that number when we get there “
Megan said .
When they arrived at the Black Forest a thick fog was coming down . Suddenly when they entered the Black Forest the car radio lost transmission .Following that their mobile phones lost their service .As if that wasn’t enough , the car stalled . John pulled over to the side of the road . He tried a number of times but wasn’t able to get the car started .
Megan said
“That’s great , no phone network the cars broke down . You know nothing about cars and now we’re stranded here in this forest . This was all your idea . So what do you sugguest we do now ?”
John took a deep breath and said .
“Come on then , let’s go and find some help .”
Megan looked worried and said .
“Are you crazy . I don’t like the idea of walking through this forest with God only knows what kind of wild beast are out there .“
“Ok then stay here by yourself then .’
John said and Megan responded .
“Don’t you dare think of leaving me here alone
John laughed and said ;
‘“Its all part of the journey . You’re the one that wanted to do something different .“
”Ok then , sure . If that’s what you want lets go. “
They both got out of the car and John pointed to one of the forest tracks saying ,
“:Ok lets go that way “
Megan replied .
“Lead the way “
They had just walked a short distance when they heard a chainsaw being used . John said
“All right , that sounds promising . Let’s go see if we can get some help .“
A little while later they found the man with the chainsaw cutting down a tree . They both called out to him and approached carefully but the man just kept working as he never heard anything because of the earmuffs he had on . John went over and carefully tapped him of the shoulder and the man stopped working .
“ Hello my name is John . Do you speak English .“
“ Yes I speak English , My name is Hans . How can I help John ?
“I have a little bit of difficulty starting my car . Do you know anywhere I could get some help ?”
“ You must follow this track to where you will find your dream awaiting in a place where colourful birds are singing but tread softly and don’t disturb them . My job here is done now John I must go now to chase the clouds in a world so high above this one in the presence of unexplainable wonder .”
Hans walked off at speed leaving John and Megan speechless .
“Ok did you get all that Megan .“
“Was he for real ?“
They kept walking along the path until they came to a place where a golden light shine down upon a lady who was playing a harp while colourful birds where singing all around her .
“John this is the place Hans spoke of .“
“Let us tread softly and ask the lady with the harp where we can find some help :”
They gently made their way over to the lady playing the harp but the sounds of the harp were so beautiful that John and Megan drifted off into a deep sleep .
When they awoke they found themselves in a small cottage where an old woman was busy making cakes .
She looked over at Megan and John and said ,
“You’re approached them and said .
“So you’re awake now , welcome to my cottage . My name is Liza and I can tell you’ve both come a very long way . You must be very hungry I’m sure ,”
So let me bring you some tea and cake .
She brought a tray with some tea and cake and said .
“This is my special black forest strawberry and chocolate surprise cake . Made here in the heart of the black forest .
As soon as John and Megan tasted the cake they found they were passionately in love again . It was almost too good to be true .
Liza smiled and said . My gift is to make cakes that people will love to eat and anyone who tastes my cake here in the forest will fall in love . Go and tell all your friends to come here and taste my black forest cakes . I’ll be here waiting for them .
Megan replied ,
“We have no idea how we got here .“
and John said
“We have no idea how to get back to out car “
Liza laughed and said .
“That’s the secret of the forest . Everyone who comes here has been sent for a reason . You have found what your dream .Now arise and go to where you’ll see a silver lake where a white swan will be swimming across the still water . There you will find two golden rings hanging from a bee hive . Pu them on and the love you have will now last an eternity . Go now .”
John and Megan left the cottage and made their way along the golden path into the forest until they came to the silver lake . AA white swan swam over the lake and there on a tree was a bee hive
Two golden rings where hanging there .
“This is the place John “ Said Megan .
They both put the rings on their fingers and as they did they fell into a deep sleep . When they awoke they were sitting back in their car on the side of the road .
As the opened their eyes they saw the love in each others eyes and in their hearts they felt a love do strong and true .
Megan said
“How can this be ?”
John replied
“I don’t know but other people have to hear of this place .”
John turned the key and the car engine started immediately . They were soon on their way to the camp site where they spent four wonderful days before returning home again .
They began to tell everyone about their experience and encouraged everyone they knew to go to find Liza’s cottage in the heart of the black forest .
The End
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I can see you needed to get
I can see you needed to get this story down with such a lovely message of how love can be saved.
Very enchanting.
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