
By HarryC
- 1461 reads
On the morning train
the news isn’t good –
though everyone’s reading it
in their own preferred version:
the Mail’s
the Guardian’s
the FT’s
the Telegraph’s
the Sun’s
some with musical accompaniment
to soften the edges
‘…She's up all night to get fun…’
huge fires have devastated
the Amazon basin
‘…I'm up all night to get lucky…’
these fires are the suicide note
of mankind, said a spokesman
A suit with a laptop
blinks at the screen
yawns, sips coffee,
taps the keys
‘Tickets, please…’
I turn to the window as
we pass a meadow –
mist settled over like
a cloud layer, like
dry ice on a stage
some farm buildings
a line of hedge
a horse the colour of
warm chocolate
the first rind of sun
on smoke-covered hills
beyond it all, the day is
the world’s unwinding
on its spool
the old cards are being
reshuffled and
The horse raises its head
against the light and
I catch its eye...
We enter a tunnel
And I'm looking at myself
in the glass
looking at myself
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Wonderfully atmospheric - I
Wonderfully atmospheric - I felt as though I was on that train. Particularly liked the verse 'beyond it all the day is happening...' , summing up all the promise of the new day.
The picture is beautiful. Is it your own?
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This wonderful and literally
This wonderful and literally reflective poem is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day! Please do share/retweet if you've enjoyed it too.
Picture available license free.
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Very thoughtful take on a journey to work
There are some very nice observations in this, I particulary liked the line about the settling mist, maybe because I live near a river and often see this effect. Lovely!
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I agree with the first
I agree with the first commenter; the atmosphere is vivid.
"the old cards are being
reshuffled and
These lines stood out to me. It underlined the sense of hope for a new day.
Ryan B. Bender
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