By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 1333 reads
I was never bullied at school, but I have at work! I’ve worked for the same company for well over twenty-five years, I consider myself a strong person but I’m no match for a bully in power! I won’t go into detail here, but this bully at work is third in command! So, he’s not the Manager, nor is he the Deputy, he is basically a unless waste of space!
We have Policies & Procedures at work that we all have to abide by, but they are not worth the paper they are written on! All the Workers in turn over the years have talked to the Managers about The Bully but nothing has ever come from it, and it seems to us all he is unsackable!
He picks on certain ones and makes their life a misery. Then he picks on a different one, SO many people there hate him! He hates everyone there too, but he’s smooth and sly and comes across to those who are lucky enough not to know him or work with him, Visitors all think he is fabulous!
All the Managers seem to fear him too, what’s going on? He’s made SO many people cry, people have even left because of him. And the sad thing is, he does nothing, he’s on his phone all the time, playing games, or watching sport or shopping!
The Managers over the years have been told, by us all but still it makes not a scrap of difference. His subtle bullying continues to this very day. But we all know whose turn it is now, not mine but Louisa’s! Poor Woman!
Life does seem unfair, and yet as I shed tears for Louisa this morning and how he has been with her this last month, I stopped to think of the devastation of the recent tsunami, and it is horrendous indeed, RIP to all those who lost their lives. I hope that Aid will arrive fast to them, I think especially for the young, the elderly, the disabled, those pregnant, the injured…… I am here in my small corner of the World, it does seem like there is no comparison, and there isn’t!
Here we still have our ‘pain,’ we hear, he is thinking of leaving to do something completely different, let’s hope it’s not false hope! We would all collectively breathe a sigh of relief. But he’s tried to leave before, but out there it IS hard work! He doesn’t know the meaning of the word and has told some he trusts, “It’s easy here for me,” Don’t we know it!
The Manager, always takes his side, always. In my mind, the only way he gets the sack, is if he does something against or to the Manager direct! But creeps to the Manager are not stupid, that’s how they thrive.
I read this morning and as I read I thought of The Bully, “Have you not heard or understood? Are you so ignorant? God who sits above the circle of the earth, the people below must seem to Him like grasshoppers! He is the One who spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes His tent from them, He judges the great people of the world, and brings them all to nothing, they hardly get started barely taking root when He blows on them and their work withers, the wind carries them off like straw.” Isaiah Chapter 40 verses 21 to 24.
My Cousin sent me a text this week to say, a man in her neighbourhood, had suddenly died! He looked fit and healthy and without warning he was gone! She said, “All who knew him is in shock.” Now I’m not wishing death to The Bully, most at work would, and I don’t even think they would give to his collection! Or go to his funeral! But he just can’t be nice, his dictatorship is on an insignificant scale compared to those in history! We all want Peace, but while he is there, we’ll get none.
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That's a horrible situation
That's a horrible situation to be in. I've been in similar, it really does sap your confidence and your energy, and it's shocking that your management won't do anything about it. There's some useful information from ACAS here: http://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=797, with a link to an advice leaflet.
Alternatively, let's just hope he does go somewhere else!
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It certaily seems that he
It certaily seems that he needs to be brought low in some way, even for his own sake, and before he does meet the judgement of God, as your text mentions.
(Interesting thought about school bullying in primary school, I once realised from something my son said that the kids were egging on the bully who was big and fairly insecure. I told him that that was very wrong to do, and unkind, and told him to tell the others not to provoke him on purpose.) Rhiannon
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