When Christmas Hurts.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 1760 reads
For many at this time of year, it is a busy time of rushing about buying gifts, for friends and family, buying food and drinks, deciding where they will be over the festive season. Most will be very busy Christmas Eve, then all the excitements of the big day itself, the cooked breakfast, the getting up early for the little children, carols on the telly, and repeats! It will be stressful for those doing the cooking, and nice for those sleeping in front of the telly, some households will have happy kids, happy with their gifts, other households with have disappointed teens unhappy with their gifts. Most will be happy not to be at school or at work.
So, the decorations will be up, petrol put in the car, the cards all sent, the jumper bought, the hair done, the animals all sorted, queues in the shops or waiting in for the delivery, it’s spend, spend, spend! The air is filled with excitement, as we all count down to the 25th of December, Christmas Day.
But, for some this year it will all be different, it will be a time of sadness, it will be the first time without their loved one! Christmas is very hard for nothing will be the same again! I know someone who has lost a Mum this year and another who lost TWO very close family members in one year! I wouldn’t want to do anything Christmassy at all. Some say they carry on for the children.
I intended to go to bed early last night, but then a documentary about Lockerbie came on, and I just had to watch it. Some of the residents spoke of their experiences of the night and the days following the disaster. A few days after that awful day, a young lad aged about seven went to stay at one of the ladies’ home, he had with him a 50p plastic watering can, that was all that was left of his house! His Mum, Dad and Sister all perished, the house had disintegrated, just the little toy watering can was all that was left! Today is thirty years ago around 7pm that it happened. I thought of this man now, this morning in my prayers. The amount of counselling he must have had the, the angry days, the why days, the guilty days the suicidal days, I DO hope he’s still with us today, that he made it! For him, Christmas will have hurt, and birthdays, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day….the course of his life changed forever.
The Citizens of Lockerbie washed the clothes of the victims and ironed them, they had photos from their cameras and was able to match from the photos whose clothes belonged to who, so, when the family members came to Lockerbie, they were able to take them and keep them. I didn’t know that till last night.
The lone Man that was found guilty, of the crime, who was eventually sent home to die, some residents didn’t want him to go, some didn’t think he did it, that he was a scapegoat, that justice was not done, for them Christmas time hurts.
I know marriages that have broken up in the past and two this year! It is difficult for the innocent person that has been thrown out! Both families have two children each, for them Christmas hurts. I have fab female friends who have never married, hardworking Women with their own houses, for them Christmas hurts.
For those battling illness, in hospices or twenty four hour care at home, for those relying on food banks, unlike the young man I saw up Town today, who threw the two large pasties in the bin thinking no one had seen him and then asked me, “Can you give me 40p for a hot drink?”
So, what brought it to my attention this year, I heard about a Church this year, that tonight they will be holding a Service called, “When Christmas Hurts.” I thought what a great idea! Christmas has always hurt for somebody, but this Service has caught up with the times, and realized that not everyone is celebrating! I hope that this special Service will be able to bring some comfort, and answer some questions that those to go tonight will have. That they will know, they are not alone, others feel the same too.
It’s good to talk, and cry and not just alone. x
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Wise words tk. I hope you and
Wise words tk. I hope you and your family have a peaceful and happy Christmas and a great New Year
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