Would You Adam And Eve It!
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
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We have all seen the adverts on television, at first, I did nothing as it seemed too good to be true. Then one day I decided as this particular advert was on SO often, they must be kosher and not a scam. So, I had a chat with my Husband Paul and we decided to phone them up and ask for information of what we had to do. I’d already taken down their phone number, so armed with my pen and paper as I usually do for any phone call I make, I gave them a call and rang Gladstone Brooks, the PPI People!
It was quite straightforward, I did what they said, and sent info that I had, they asked me questions, they did phone me back to ask further questions, some I knew most I didn’t. They were always polite and professional. Then one day soon after I had an email to say, “Congratulations,” I don’t usually read my email as I have SO many from around the world, I wished I didn’t have an email address, I usually try to delete about twenty to thirty when I do eventually go to my dreaded emails, but this day those words caught my eye. I read the email and was pleasantly surprised to read, that we’d be getting back £500. They wanted their fee, I said in a phone call, “Can’t you take you fee first?” Adam from Gladstone Brooks said, “We have to give you the money first.” So, they had their percentage. After this when we told People they said, “You should have done it yourself, that way you would then have been able to keep all of the £500.” I told them, “It wouldn’t happen, I just wouldn’t do it, this way we get something and I was happy with that.”
Then it seemed lots of Companies got on the bandwagon and we had lots of people ringing us up, with their PPi’s at times we were overwhelmed! We then accepted another Company, they were lovely, they were very confident they could get us some money back. The smart sounded man in this Company he too was called Adam! He was also polite and professional. We did the same as above with Gladstone Brooks, and very soon we were told we’d been successful, I was informed we would get £300 and they would want £150 I said to Adam, “Can’t you just take your £150 first before you give us the £300?” He replied, “We’re not allowed to do that,” So I said, “I will pay you by postal order, as I didn’t want to send a cheque,” Adam said, “We are not allowed to accept postal order,” Which I thought was rather odd, for I’d be the one who’d be losing out, for as you know you have to pay for a postal order but a cheque would be free for me. So, Adam mentioned, “Bank transfer,” I said to Adam, “Can I pay by bank transfer?” He said, “Yes the full details are on your letter.” I replied, “I’ll pay your fee by bank transfer tomorrow.” He said, “Thank you.”
I went to my bank and paid them their fee, the lovely person in the bank showed me the screen so I could see the sort codes were correct and the amount then he pressed send and gave me a receipt. The next day the Company rang me to say, “We have not received your fee,” I said,” I paid it yesterday by bank transfer.” He said, “OK, thank you.” The following day, I had yet another phone call to say, “We have not received your fee.” I was feeling a bit annoyed now and said, “I paid it two days ago by bank transfer!” He said, “OK, thank you. I then rang them the following day to ask them, “Did you get your fee?” I was told, “Yes, thank you.”
Then about two months ago, I had a letter from the Company to say, “You need to pay the fee of £150,” I rang them up and said, “I’ve already paid, I’m not paying again.” Then every day a Sales Assistant rang me up every day, to ask for their fee, that was Monday to Friday. I was annoyed!!! Then the following week I had daily texts to say, “You needed to pay, immediately, so you wouldn’t be fined, the fees would go up”! The Monday after that, Ricky rang me, then Tuesday Robert rang me, then Wednesday Rodney rang me, then I said, “I do not have internet banking, today is my day off I will not be going to the Town, on Friday, I will go to the bank and look to see if the money you say that you’ve given me, as gone into my account.” For it turned out that they’d given me another lot of money but I was unaware of it, Thursday morning, my phone rang, I could see it was them! I said, to Zeichan, “I am sick of the phone calls!!! Why are you harassing me every day? I told, Rodney yesterday that I’d be going to the bank on Friday, why don’t you talk to each other, why can you not communicate to each other?” I said, “You should have made a note of it and written it down on my notes!!!!!!!” Zeichan said, “I rang you in error, I didn’t mean to ring you, it is on your notes that you would be going to the bank on Friday,” I then said, ”The nasty texts that I’ve had all last week, threatening to send the bailiffs to me and saying my credit could be ruined and talking about courts, none of this is good!!! “ Zeichan said, “Relax, ignore the texts, they have been sent by mistake,” I said, “Does your Manager know Sales Assistants are sending texts to Customers by mistake?” He said, “They get sent often.” The next day a got a phone call from Robert! I said, “I suppose I’ll get a phone call Saturday and Sunday,” I was been sarcastic, he replied, “We don’t work Saturdays or Sundays.”
The following day I got a letter from a bank I used to be with, basically they said, “We will have nothing to do with these people, you either choose them or us for your PPI refund.” I gave my old bank a call, a lovely Woman with an unusual name spoke to me, she said, “You have been given some more PPI money but you have to choose who you want to have the money from.”
So, I went to my bank in the Town and asked the Assistant to look at my money that came in she had to go back a bit and there it was! This second Company had paid me more PPI but there had been a misunderstanding on my part, I hadn’t realized, and all they wanted was their fee, so there and then I paid their fee via bank transfer and was given a receipt. I then rang them up and told them, “I have just paid in full, please do NOT find anymore money, I am not interested, please do put this on my notes in their office.” The Assistant of the Company said, “There are other on-goings of your case, “ I told him, “I’m not interested, I don’t want you to find anything else,” He then said, “There will be a final fee, that I would still have to pay.” This I was not happy about! But I was confident that now they would leave me alone!
You couldn’t make this up! Four days later I got a phone call from Vera! I told her I wasn’t interested, she was from the same second Company she said, “We are from a different department, and your information is not on our file.” I told her all the hassles I had had, it’s been a whole month and I have not heard anything from them. Phew!
Even the lovely Staff in my bank has been hassled by other PPI Companies, a different one to the one that hassled me.
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oh my goodness what a hassle
oh my goodness what a hassle it must have been! I hope all the money you got made for it a little bit
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