The mask melting at 98

By Rhiannonw
- 6161 reads
updating 'Inconnu', nearly 94 [a book that’s closed, with cheerful cover …]
photograph of my mother-in-law
age two and a half – 1922
I first met her when I was engaged in 1969,
she was almost 50:
Until 2018 (age 98), I saw little below
the pleasant mask; it’s hard to help when
you can’t get close, comprehend the feelings.
Then – broken arm, confusion deepens,
communication even more difficult,
but suddenly aware the mask has melted,
and she speaks of (she can talk
so much more easily than she can hear!)
the buried memories of hurt –
parents’ post-war (WW1) quarrels
(married in haste early war?
insensitive to each other’s
wartime experiences, PTSD?)
Did they realise their young child’s
anguish, that the bitterness
would be bottled-up for 90 years?
Separation. Her mother’s refusal to
touch presents received from her father.
Sick mother (TB), kind relatives.
(Did she have untrue sense, unexpressed,
of herself being an intrusion into their families?)
Second World War, and immediate marriage:
husband introverted, engrossed with
himself and his own worries
– amiable but frequent explosions –
she doesn’t realise even now
that she’d been so hard to ‘read’
– though he probably didn’t try –
but they persevered, for 70 years.
Now feels she is taking pleasure
in the care of the nurses,
the visiting of her son and daughter (and me!)
says she is revelling in love,
and says she has shed long-held hatred,
anger, bitterness.
2019 – no broken arm, but dreams trouble,
has long found it difficult to distinguish
dreams from present reality,
some pleasant, but some seem
to raise distorted memories
and life-long fears,
and mixed, entwined together with
films seen, books read –
to frequently overwhelm.
‘I do believe’ “Take comfort, then.”
“Rest in sure hope”, to soothe your
wakeful times and memories and dreams.
0ne day, ‘I’ve let go of those
nasty dreams of the last few days –
it was about some unpleasantness between
John (husband) and my mother –
that time’s long gone, it isn’t now.’
These late years may have a usefulness
of which onlookers are unaware.
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This is a deep psychological
This is a deep psychological piece of writing! Last two lines profound, like she has been screwed up tight all her life and is only now relaxing like a plant being put in the light. The PTSD thing is interesting too. Often people say OH they just got on with it in those days! But really, a lot of people can't have, and that must have had huge repercussions for families. It ius good that she feels love even if it is this late, good that you can at last meet her in a way
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Beautiful and at the same
Beautiful and at the same time painful. My own mother in law has just passed away and already I am delving deep into the treasure trove of memories she has left me and my wife. Thank you for writing this.
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The story becomes touchingly
The story becomes touchingly alive in your poem. I lived with you, her, through the various stages and felt deep emotion reading about pain, sorrow and lastly forgiveness and coming to terms with life.
love to you from Yutka
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Hi Rhiannon,
Hi Rhiannon,
I can only echo all the above comments, they said it all.
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This is a story which runs
This is a story which runs along two time trails, the elderly woman searching through turbulent memory banks spanning decades. It reminds me of when my grandmother was lying in bed in her nineties, refusing food because she wanted to die, she was sleep-talking about friends she had in her twenties. It's so sad but it makes you realise what an epic journey each person's life is and all the relationships and emotions which come with it. You knew her for almost half her life Rhiannon.
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your account of how to
your account of how to communicate with someone of poor sight and hearing is interesting all on its own? I cannot think how hard it must be for you conducting a discussion about faith, or counselling, through huge writing on pieces of paper! That you are giving someone peace of mind at the end of their life, after so much unhappiness, it's like even if her senses are obscured you are cleaning the window of her spirit so she can see the way clearly, the light
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has something happened? YES
has something happened? YES Tina KEEPS walking over the keyboard! She is trying to communicate something - Radiator not on? Time to do some gardening? It's been ages since the last Dreamie (cat treat)? I'm too thick to understand
I just read your reply on Alfie's last post, was trying to reply but the whole thing got deleted? I'm so sorry you have emailed me and I've not known! I'm not sure why. I have trouble with my account and do not have a proper password, keep having to get a temporary log in every few days, don't know if that's the problem? That it doesn't think I'm a proper member or something?
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space deleted :0)
space deleted :0)
it's something to do with passwords I think. I emailed the home page link this afternoon, and there's nothing in my junk?
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