Pride and Prejudice

By Rhiannonw
- 1235 reads
Pride begets prejudice,
assumes others antagonistic,
proud and prejudiced,
so incites prejudice,
provokes enmity
aggravating their pride,
justifying to itself
imagined complaint,
and increase of its own prejudice:
proud isolation,
loneliness, bitterness,
shrinking self-esteem,
though arrogant,
and confident in imagining and
declaiming their non-existent
prejudiced criticism and scorn,
sure of one’s own merits
fighting one’s ‘own corner’
wanting respect, but destroying it.
[IP: use the title of a song or film title in another way]
[My thoughts here were partly triggered by reading in a novel someone saying, ‘Whenever people are horrible themselves they tend to think everyone else is too!’ Also a couple I’ve known who seemed to assume so much unkind and malicious thoughts in others towards themselves, partly because they had low self-confidence and assumed others didn’t like them, but it was unpleasant and uncalled for and fomented unhappiness all round.]
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"Pride comes before the fall."
"Pride comes before the fall."
I enjoyed the poem Rhiannon! People too often confuse humbleness with humility. And pride with self-respect. As far as that couple goes I know a couple like that too they are the most negative people you can imagine they are always just complaining and looking for fault it seems they actually enjoy this. One person on his own is bad enough. But I have learnt that indeed, "half an egg is better than an empty shell.
Keep well! Tom Brown
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Yes thanks I'm well Rhiannon
Yes thanks I'm well Rhiannon. I've always wondered about this business, a good self-image and then stuff you get I hear of selfies and kinds of wierd things. Self-indugence self-love narcissim where does it end?
All the best! Don't go to bed too late you don't want to miss church! :-) I will listen on the radio.
Tom Brown
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Wonderfully woven and so true
Wonderfully woven and so true
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