Somewhere Lake

By skinner_jennifer
- 3294 reads
Martha was a woman who adored the lakes and forests and all the wild creatures, she also loved to sit at side of lake and watch fishermen, studying the mayfly and damsel fly, the dragonflies hovering wings of many colours always inspires.
When setting out that day with golden sun rising and Midsummer's eve and musing on her mind, she was meandering along the twisty path beside the lake, when all of a sudden there was movement from the corner of her eye. She saw before her images the depths of which at first glance Martha didn't fully understand, across the track and up on a ridge lay two figures no bigger than her little finger, amid knotty brambles safely tucked away, how the woman noticed them was a mystery, other than Martha felt it was meant for her eyes only. This place never fails to amaze me and I'm always charmed by the beauty around each time I visit! She pondered.
Because it was high summer between the great forest and somewhere lake, autumn's rain had not yet fallen and winter's snow seemed like a distant promise, too far off to even consider on this very early morning. Dawn advanced somewhere on the horizon as lake mirrored fading stars and moonlight's shimmer on dark surface, caused by fish venturing up with gentle movements, rings then appearing as they swim back down. Birds chorus could not yet be heard high up in the trees, they save their sweetest songs for mellow morning light with gentle breeze.
Cecily wiped her tired eyes, wings trembled as she stretched and gazed at silhouette of her dearest friend lying next to her. Silently she sat up with elf features revealed and remarkable hearing from pointy ears that poked out between her cinnamon coloured pixie haircut. Huge green eyes peered around checking her surroundings as again her wings spread wide. Cecily was an orphan and had no idea of her age or where her kin were, as a result taking care of herself was first priority. Normally she'd sleep up high in the trees where birds had made their nests, collecting feathers to keep her warm and relaxed.
Without waking her friend, Cecily flew off searching the forest for food and liquid refreshment. Blackberries were at their best this time of year and mushroom were many. There was also plenty of live insects which Cecily and her companion loved, especially juicy worms that would keep them going for most of the day.
Cecily flew back to their nest, and in the same manner early morning golden sun rises from behind shifting clouds, water nymph peers from beneath long flaxen hair that conceals sleepy blue eyes and sweeps tresses back, now uncovered Lilly Pad smiles, her aura glowing, lighting up even the hardest of hearts.
Their leafy bedding of ferns and downy feathers so comfortable as stars at daybreak disappear back into the heavens, leaving only blurry dreams for another night.
Distant musings flow on promised lake as Lilly Pad yawns, her wings quivering, this nymph needs to fly back to the rustling reeds, see those glistening jewels of light ripple, listen to lapping, splashing, for soon it will be sweltering on this mid summer's day.
Exposed arms outstretched eager to feel her companions touch, they commit to a tender hug and kiss. That morning they dine on breakfast of worms, and aphids found on leaves, a blackberry or two for a fruity feast.
But now this nymph must be away to return to her friend later on that day. Saying goodbye in her own way, she flies following clear pearls of dew drops clinging to gossamer webs. Moments elsewhere too distant to matter, as chorus of birdsong fills the air, a chatter – and warble, a chortle of laughing geese is how they sound to Lilly Pad as these huge birds fly across a peachy sky.
Lilly Pad comes into land on the damp, marshy mud, cool beneath her feet and dew drops swept from wisps of hair. Nearby frog leaps in surprise deep in thought, with high disdain but much too scared to complain.
Friends are always abound, like dragonfly who hovers around, hungry though he maybe would never harm Cecily or Lilly. Nymph with delicate glowing wings is met by throng of lake insects. Meanwhile two eyes appear between reeds, it was her sister Anise.
Coming out of Somewhere lake Anise begged Lilly not to remain one moment longer. Threadbare, knotted ivy leafy dress this nymph did wear got torn as on water's edge she flew. Then images did appear of her guardian's words, “You must come back before daybreak, or trouble there will be.” Two sisters with grace then dived in, rings of water lake reclaimed. Deep these nymphs did plummet down beyond tangled weeds, upon a mossy carpet.
Old Sibyl was their guardian a wise woman indeed, revealed oracle by order of a prophecy, Lilly should heed her words that; “dangerous, drowsy gaze, witless actions will come to pass from sweetest lips, beware of immoral creations that may seem innocent.” Of what Sibyl meant Lilly couldn't be sure, but not one for breaking promises decided anyway she'd go to this midsummer's eve ball.
As day proceeded on and on, Lilly Pad did converse with dragon fly hovering above the surface, they spoke with minds not with lips of prophecy disclosed. As their thoughts flew on that midsummer's day, glowing ball of heat up in the heavens began to set leaving dappled orange sky.
Diving back down to bottom of lake, Lilly Pad hovered beside her weedy garments, she couldn't wear any of these water weeds tonight, then thought struck her...she remembered! Decided the teeny weeny Lilly flower observed up on the lake would be just right.
Up she swam this glowing nymph, entranced at each delicate shade of white, matching magnificent moonlight. With finger outstretched blessing each petal with magic, flower glimmered bright, now all Lilly Pad had to do was stretch up her arms, flower arose above her head, bud flew out and petals slowly then descended and settled, wrapping round her lithe like figure like a wreath of confidence. In that spiritual moment she opened her eyes, saw her reflection and smiled, lake caught sight of her with pride.
That evening along path nymph did fly, when in distance she did spy meadow flowers at this joyous hour. Enhancing Lilly Pad's flaxen tresses one daisy for her hair.
With grace like a breeze she flies, now twinkling stars adorn the darkest skies, back to where brambles knotted where Cecily patiently waits delighted.
Excitement in their gleaming eyes as in distance they see a light, hoot of owl soothing sound, soon carnival procession peace did drown as flutes – drums – fiddles abound. Moving closer drums stop beating, delicate music floats on air, approaching ever closer, weaving magic for to share. Soon fairy laughter could be heard, sweet music sung with lyrical word.
Two companions joined in the dance, both in mid summer's eve trance. Nymph's and Sprites in colourful costumes spellbound, charmed with conjuring tricks.
In clearing very close to somewhere lake procession halted, fiddlers played a merry waltz. Two winged maidens like moths were drawn to light of burning flames, but then in back of Lilly's mind, she remembered Old Sybyl's prophecy. As they held up their nectar cups, suddenly Lilly dropped her drink and Cecily wondered why?
Hypnotic music then played on and merriment continued, but Lilly couldn't stop, with wings to fly she shot up to the dark sky taking Cecily's by the hand. Looking down upon the ground they watched as each member of the carnival band made their way into the fire.
Tears then filled their swollen eyes, they'd had a lucky escape and all the music from below became suddenly faint.
At this point Martha did awake, from slumbers by the fishing lake. Buzzing of bees and drowsy heat had sent her into deepest sleep. Though shaded by surrounding trees, sun's gleam moved around with ease, bird song she did hear cradled in her chair.
And yonder tale with a moral now should be redeemed, for Martha while in sleep was having a Midsummer Night's Dream.
Pixbay free picture.
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What a wonderful result from
What a wonderful result from the Inspiration Point. This would make a beautiful children's story if you know someone who could do illustrations.
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As insert says, this really
As insert says, this really does lend itself to illustration. Lovely ideas, Jenny!
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"she flies following clear
"she flies following clear pearls of dew drops clinging to gossamer webs. Moments elsewhere too distant to matter, as chorus of birdsong fills the air, a chatter – and warble, a chortle of laughing geese is how they sound to Lilly Pad as these huge birds fly across a peachy sky"
reminded me of the flower fairy books? It really does have a dreram like feel, and full of lovely images
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Interesting to make a fairy
Interesting to make a fairy story by dream, and the 'moral' of heedlessly in the enjoyment of the moment nearly following others into the flame, like moths, was an intriguing idea. Your eye for detail of nature and the colours of the sky and feel of the breeze are as ever vivid! Rhiannon
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An imaginative and very
An imaginative and very pleasing fairy tale that does justice to the I.P., Jenny,
Luigi xx
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I enjoyed the intertwining of
I enjoyed the intertwining of the natural and the supernatural here Jenny and you've included so many elements from stars in the sky to the underwater plant life. The result is dreamy and full of magic.
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A magical piece by a magical writer about a magical world. Wonderful writing Jenifer. I always respect writing I feel compelled to read again and again. I shall be returning to this lovely piece.
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