Add children …

By Rhiannonw
- 2032 reads
Get the toys down to the hall,
chairs pushed back towards the wall:
parts of sets have gone astray
in last week’s rush at close of play …
little duckling found, put back
on the pull-along mother duck,
wooden egg and plastic soap-bar
hidden underneath a car,
jig-saw pieces with the train –
relieved that that’s complete again.…
Plenty out, it looks attractive,
are we set to be proactive,
helping all keep safe and happy
while the Mums and Grans are chatty,
Grandads, Minders, Dads too sitting,
watch their charges busy flitting
here and there, the toys dividing,
pushing prams, and small cars riding
– car-boots, prams with contents various,
babies grab and crawl, all curious,
moving this from here to there,
bricks, toy food mixed everywhere …
transformation: floor confusion …
then all hands help clear away,
– sort it out another day!
[IP: transformation]
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Good contribution to the
Good contribution to the Inspiration Point!
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This reminds me of a
This reminds me of a playgroup I used to go to with my son. Like insert said, a great idea for the I P, would never have thought of it myself.
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What a lovely poem! This is
What a lovely poem! This is what I used to do at our Toddler group, get it all set up before they came, and put away again - you have desrcibed it perfectly! Particularly how they like to mix things up, which I found intriguing. It used to make the lady in charge very cross so she wanted me to put out fewer and fewer things. ( I pretended I had not heard her which had consequences unfortunately) It is about experimenting I guess, the same way that very small children like to mix up their meals. Sad when we get set in our ways and stop putting food in the washing machine
It really was a transformation, the big empty hall with its polished floor then EVERYWHERE LIFEa sort of wild untapped energy, then frantic clearing up and literally putting everything back in its box, till echoing cleaness again. Brilliant description!
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or they are taking stuff out
or they are taking stuff out again from one box, even as you are putting away another, or, even worse, trying to hide in the cupboard! (them, not me)
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