Hot Air on the Air

By luigi_pagano
- 2447 reads
a peaceful bloke,
one who, normally,
is hard to provoke.
that I am about
to feel indignant
and wanting to shout.
the Beeb is a medium
that offers nothing
but endless tedium.
to be impartial
it comes across
as a court martial.
to make their mark
cower their target
with a loud bark.
or an inquisition?
there doesn't seem
to be a distinction.
“Answer the question”
but to accept the answer
they have no intention.
the politicos spew
than ask Laura
for her point of view.
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This is very neatly written,
This is very neatly written, Luigi!
Listening, reading carefully, and careful argument seem to be disappearing, with so many trying to make a quick attractive sounding point or condemnation that will appeal without encouraging thought, and possibly easily deceive? And maybe raise their own reputation and praise. Rhiannon
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I'm quite a fan of the Beeb,
I'm quite a fan of the Beeb, actually, but it isn't without its faults. I also get annoyed with the 'barking' at interviewees sometimes - quite often I think that given enough rope, politicians will do quite a good job of verbally hanging themselves, whereas the interruptions just make people exasperated with the interviewer. Good rant!
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I agree. The interviewers try
I agree. The interviewers try to outdo each other in having the most combative interviewing technique. Crazy old world. Enjoyed your piece, Luigi.
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I tend to avoid political programmes on BBC.
The likes of Jeremy Paxman and Andrew Niel turned me off long ago. It seems from the above it is getting worse. However, so are the politicians and not just in the UK. They deserve a good verbal beatng. Morals and decency seem to have gone out the window with politicians pretty much all over the World.
I tend to watch BBC World to peruse the news and I believe the BBC offers the most neutral coverage. If you compare them to CNN (fiercly biased against Republicans) or FOX (the opposite) Aljazeera. RT etc The BBC is like a shining light of impartiality and honest reporting (perhaps that's why Herr Trump hates it so much)
I can't receive ITV ar Channel 4 here so I can't make a comparison with the BBC, but from what I have seen during visits "home" I have the feeling the Beeb come out on top.
The debacle of what is happening in the UK is an embarrassment, sometime I feel the politicians on all sides deserve more the just a verbal beating.
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Yes Aljazeera does seem neutral
and they cover stuff the big boys seem to ignore. They certainly seem unbiased in their coverage of Middle East events, and that must be tough for them.
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