Gym Shorts and Sneakers 1963

By hudsonmoon
- 3583 reads
Sister Elizabeth marched the third-grade class down the stairs and into the gymnasium.
“I’ll leave you boys in the hands of Mr. Greenfield,” said the nun. “Behave yourselves. Remember. I have eyes in the back of my head.”
And we believed her. There was a rumor in our school that each nun was really a cyclops. And that they all had a bulging eye in the back of their heads, hidden behind their habits. My buddy Gary claims to have seen it.
“Liar,” I said. “You’d a been shitting your pants, for sure.”
“Well, maybe I didn’t actually see it,” said Gary, “but Sister Elizabeth is always scratching the back of her head. I figure a big eye like that must get pretty dry under that habit. That would have me itching, for sure.”
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop saying ‘for sure’, you copycat. That’s mine.”
“You can’t own words, Ben. Words are free. They belong to everyone. Free as birds. For sure.”
“Then you better watch it, Gary. ‘Cause here comes a flying 'fuck'!”
“Ouch! My eyes! That didn’t tickle, you moron!”
“It wasn’t suppose to. Best Three Stooges move ever. For sure.”
Mr. Greenfield blew his whistle. Which brought on a cigarette cough that had us wondering if we should run for help.
“All right, boys,” said Mr. Greenfield. “Form a line and give me ten reps. And I don’t mean pansy push-ups, either. I want chests so high off the floor that a cat could walk under and not lose a hair.”
“How much beer do you think is in Mr. Greenfield’s belly?” said Gary.
“A barrel's worth, for sure,” I said. “I’ll bet he needs a mirror to see his penis.”
“Yeah,” said Gary. “And that cat would have to be some kind a special to walk under one of his push-ups.”
“Suicide mission, for sure,” I said.
“Alright, boys,” said Mr. Greenfield, “on your feet! I want knee-bends. Ten reps.”
“Damn President Kennedy,” I said, “and his damn Physical Fitness Program.”
“You can’t damn a president in catholic school,” said Gary. “You’ll go to hell.”
“Then he shouldn’t be making us do this,” I said. “I get plenty of exercise at home, running from my old man.”
“Ha. You and me both,” said Gary. “Hey. Do you think President Kennedy chases his kids with a leather belt?”
“Hell, no!” I said. “They probably get a nice talking too about good manners. Then get taken out for pizza.”
“Which they probably eat with a knife and fork,” said Gary.
“For sure,” I said.
After several more ten-rep exercises, Sister Elizabeth came to collect us.
“All right, boys,” she said. “Single file and up the stairs we go. Also, I’ve got a bit of news for you all. Tomorrow, President Kennedy’s motorcade will be passing through here on its way to the UN, and we’ll all be out there to witness it. Pretty exciting. Don’t you think?”
“She better not be expecting an answer from me,” I said. “Not after what that damn president put my body through today.”
“For sure,” said Gary. “Maybe the next president will be a lazy-ass like us, and forget all about this exercising crap.”
“He’s got my vote,” I said. “For sure.”
Photo courtesy of Wiki Commons:
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This small snapshot in time,
This small snapshot in time, beautifully captured for us - thank you
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I loved this - nuns, 60s
I loved this - nuns, 60s education and politics - a heady mix.
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This is our facebook and
This is our facebook and twitter pick of the day - do share it.
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This funny whiff of nostalgia
This funny whiff of nostalgia is our story of the week, well done!
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LOVED this! Apart from the
LOVED this! Apart from the accent, this could be my son moaning about SNP making them do so much PE. Highlight of his PE lessons so far was when someone had forgotten to re set the rowing machine when it was his turn, so when he had finished the teacher thought he had gone 10 miles :0)
I particularly like the bits about your PE teacher "Mr. Greenfield blew his whistle. Which brought on a cigarette cough that had us wondering if we should run for help."
Aso found it poignant how set not long before Kennedy died. Was the person who took over lazy?
My partner remembers a PE teacher who used to drive his car around the football pitch while they were playing, and blow the whistle out of the window before going back to his cigarette
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for sure I enjoyed this. I
for sure I enjoyed this. I always enjoyed PE. We just played fitba or games, much like playtime, but with PE teachers who wandered about. I used to thing it was the cushiest job in the world. I still do. I want to be Mr Greenfeld.
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Hi Hudson
Hi Hudson
I enjoyed this too, and although not from the PE point of view, I could identify with the nuns in the school bits. I don't think any Americans would eat pizza with a knife and fork. I was absolutely amazed when my English husband did it, and most English people I now know. But I still like the cheese trailing from my fingers and grease all over the place that reminds me of home.
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This was such an enjoyable
This was such an enjoyable read, loved the word squabbles. And the cat on a suicide mission. Very funny.
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HI Richard,
HI Richard,
arn't those nuns so tough? My partner went to a catholic school run by nuns and spent so much time getting reprimanded. The idea of the nun saying she had eyes in the back of her head, made me laugh. I could just imagine the kids being very afraid.
Great read and enjoyed very much.
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Really good
good one. I could see the characters in my head.
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