
By luigi_pagano
Mon, 09 Sep 2019
- 3840 reads
A sequel to "The Box Left Behind https://www.abctales.com/story/luigipagano/box-left-behind
Contrary to popular belief, 'Colonel' Jason Harveybutnot had not emigrated to South America but had travelled a shorter distance to a minor consulate in the Capital where he had sought sanctuary.
He knew that the evidence he had left behind would raise suspicions and he needed a breathing space to evaluate the consequences of his disastrous lapse.
It wasn't really his fault that the box had been forgotten; all the packing had been done by the removal company and he should have checked or done the job himself.
What was the point of paying good money for a second-rate service?
What was the point of paying good money for a second-rate service?
The police had acted remarkably quickly in tracing the whereabouts of the suspected criminal.
“We have found out where he's hiding”, said Superintended George Jejune smugly, “We got him boxed in. He has no alternative but to surrender and face justice”
His optimism was not shared by Inspector Isabel Prettymuch. Their quarry had proved to be a slippery customer many times before.
The self-styled Colonel was thought to be a leading general in the underworld and had been arrested and interviewed in connection to the disappearance of other mobsters but no one had discovered where the bodies were buried so no crime could be pinned on him.
Presented with an arrest warrant, the consul was quite glad to get rid of an unwanted guest - who was eating him out of house and home - and released him into the arms of the law.
Now in detention, Jason had time to reflect on his situation. Prior to his arrest he had planned for every contingency and had shredded every bits of paper that had his writing on them; letters, receipts and even the passport that bore his signature.
His tactic was to stonewall the investigation by claiming that the box in question had been planted during the removal to frame him and that the manuscripts inside the container had been written by someone else.
The writing seemed to be on the wall, so to speak, as a forensic analysis of his handwriting could not be made and he could not be deemed to be the author of the disputed text.
It was a problem that prevented a resolution of the case as far as the prosecution was concerned.
Neither the police nor the accused reckoned on our Mother's resourcefulness and common sense.
Neither the police nor the accused reckoned on our Mother's resourcefulness and common sense.
This would-be sleuth in the manner of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple had come up with a true jack-in-the box and surprised us all.
She called on Superintendent Jejune and presented him with the contract that had been exchanged when we purchased the house.
At the bottom, in bold letters, was the signature of Jason Harveywhatnot.
The culpability of that individual still referred to as the Colonel could now be proved.
© Luigi Pagano 2019
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1 User voted this as great feedback
Hooray! Thank you for this,
Hooray! Thank you for this, Luigi! Delighted to have an ending to the story, and one that saw justice done.
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1 User voted this as great feedback
Thank you for putting our
Permalink Submitted by Insertponceyfre... on
Thank you for putting our collective minds at ease Luigi. If I could think of a clever box-based pun to insert here I would
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Thankyou for writing a sequel
Thankyou for writing a sequel! Ingenious solution, and I like all the daft names too
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