Let Him Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 2352 reads
I love this story, on every level. The Woman was caught in the very act of adultery, was the Man married too? We don’t know, we are not told, but she was dragged from wherever they were in secret, now through the public streets, naked or half naked, to prove she had been doing something very wrong. She was like a prized catch, they were all justified that it was OK to do this, and she was chucked in front of Jesus and the crowd that He’d been teaching.
Her hair would have been a mess and her make-up too, but that would have been the least of her worries. It would not have been that those who took her and placed her in front of Jesus, really cared about her or that she had been caught committing adultery, but their whole point was to trap Jesus, nothing else, she was just a pawn.
She knew she was in serious trouble, back then it meant death! They asked Jesus, “The Law of Moses say, she should be stoned, what do you think, should be done?” Jesus, already knew their thoughts, they were just trying to trap Him into saying something wrong, so later on they would be able to accuse Him of breaking the Law.
Jesus stooped down and wrote in the sand, what would the Woman be thinking? Maybe she thought He would be like all the other Leaders and ‘Holy People’, that today would be her last day. Maybe she had seen this happen in the past.
Those who had took her to Jesus, kept badgering Him for an answer, so Jesus stood up looked them in the eyes and said to them, “Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone at her,” Then He stooped down again and carried on writing in the sand. What profound words.
Then from the eldest person who had brought her there to the youngest, one by one they left, with egg on their faces!
Jesus stood up again, and said to the Woman, “Where are your accusers, didn’t even one of them condemn you?” She replied, “None, my Lord,” She recognized who He really is, and Jesus said to her, “Then neither do I condemn you, go in peace and sin no more.” Well, she’d never seen that before!
We don’t know her name, nor her age, but it doesn’t matter, she was lifted up, in front of the crowd and those who had wanted to use her, for them it all backfired.
The Bible - John Chapter eight.
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there's a joke version that
there's a joke version that Jesus said 'let him without sin cast the first stone' and his mum, the virgin mary chucked a boulder.
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Mary never claimed to be
Mary never claimed to be without sin, and called God her Saviour (Luke 1;47). She also was not a virgin after Jesus' birth, had his brothers naturally. Rhiannon
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You have described the story
You have described the story in a very effective, easy to understand way, which I like. This story appeals to most of us modern minded people, who perhaps partly due to the teachings of Jesus, feel able to make our own choices and do not wish to judge others too readily for their choices or failings.
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Thank you for posting this,
Thank you for posting this, you've described it well. I did a song on this for my 'songs for Sunday' series, based on a helpful message we'd had in church. Rhiannon
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No, only here on ABC as in
No, only here on ABC as in the link. In the past I've occasionally sung them on to Soundcloud, but not recently! Rhiannon
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