Behold The Faerie Realm Part Two

By skinner_jennifer
- 1384 reads
Part Two
Rowana had got the Gnome village crier to announce a meeting at midday on the green and all fay were to attend. There was much gossip about the mysterious meeting, all the folk couldn't help fearing the worst at this extremely urgent message to assemble the counsel and fay.
At midday faeries, pixies, elves, gnomes and the magical counsel gathered. Two goblins had heard the news and hid themselves amongst the crowds of onlookers, inquisitive to know what all the fuss was about.
Surrounded by her helpers and Alwyn the cat, the orbs seemed to dance among the folk as if trying to keep order before returning to Rowana. Everyone became quiet as the witch healer lifted her arms for hush.
Clearing her throat Rowana spoke. “Dear friends, there are sacred places as you all know, Calm Forest is just one of those locations that bathed in footsteps of fay have promised to take care and be vigilant to every living creature that roams.” The healer paused before continuing.
“Now! Last night a trace of wasted words dripping with ridicule, turning backs on a pledge made long ago” Rowana felt emotional and paused again holding back tears by showing anger.
Speaking in a harsher manner she continued. “I'm lost in sullen impressions, having seen the mischief created with savage intent...owls frightened in hollows. Then! I waited in dense vision of our beautiful forest, browsed with withered eyes the destruction which sours my mood. I am the seasons...or at least part of its intent.” The healer checked herself then spoke again. “I'm giving the culprits till midday tomorrow to come forward and own up to what they've done, you know fully well who you are and we need an apology.”
There were half hidden grins from the two disguised goblins. Sprig stood in the gathering caped and hooded in pixie green, he stole a glance in Bleel's direction with smirking eyes, casual as a slippery snake. The two rouge goblins were partners in crime and both filthy and pale with splintered teeth, their eyes could change from normal to red when angered which was quite often when things didn't go their way.
They were both fearsome and lewd like all the other goblins and had an exacting hatred for the creatures of the air, which was so exaggerated to the point of trying every way possible to discard the bewitching they liked to call them.
Sprig had heard enough from the witch. With a wink from Sprig, the two goblins left for their elders cave, scampering off in a hurry. Once they were out of view, the two goblins sprinted desperate to inform their master of what they knew.
Upon returning to the male elders cave, Sprig called goblin counsel announcing to the others. “Those Fay have tormented us long enough, a plague on them this night.” All the other goblins cheered in the breathless atmosphere amid bats, squeaking and flapping above the goblin leader.
All the goblins guzzled down tankards of ale, speaking about their own personal nightmares involving the fay. The leader Ogrok slouched on his stone throne filthy as the cave, only his permanent red eyes set him apart from the other goblins.
There were whispers and crouched laughter as grim flickering fingers magically produced flames, just one of the goblins many talents in the inharmonious conditions.
rain had now come and gone leaving clear skies and twinkling stars, just beginning to peep through the fading daylight.
As moonlight reflected on Hiccup lake, slightly rippling and lapping the squelchy, muddy banks, flimsy weeds seemed transfixed clinging just below the surface, waving as water traversed down scaly bodies of fish emerging to hiccup at the moon. Their fragile display of gliding, twisting and diving was a pleasure to watch by Rowana and the fay orbs as they waited for full darkness.
The healer knew exactly what was going on with those goblins now she'd seen it all in her scrying bowl. It was and always had been the healers business to have knowledge, for she only wanted peace in the Realm and didn't like that the forest was afflicted with such trickery and suffering by the goblins, the only problem was, she had no idea why!
Concern on her face, Rowana struggled with elusive visions that came and left, finding it hard to keep awake. The witch sauntered along the bank trying to activate her tired mind, she could smell sickly skulduggery coming from the nearby cave, it made the healer want to wretch.
The entrance was nearby yet out of sight under control of goblin magic, across spongy, swampy moss and beneath the many rocks that were sited on higher ground, not even the prevailing winds could cross their threshold, which left the tunnels and caves with no ventilation and oppressive, only bats, rats and mice had adjusted to the ominous goblin conditions.
Even Rowana's strong magical energy couldn't penetrate the opening, as the healer winged her way across the swamp, reaching the constant darkening of the entrance. Around her wrist were gathered perception scrying seeds, they were half the size of a pumpkin seeds and laced together on a bendy branch from a Hazel tree. The witch healer took two of the seeds placing them in her mouth and chewing, with eyes closed and concentrating on entering the tunnel with her mind the fay witch continued.
Almost straight away light warmed the air binding coloured fragments. With Rowana's arms open but with no shadow, she began her mind power journey into the darkness, the fay orbs creating melodious flute music, mixing with evocative fragrance of incense to keep her calm.
Rowana was traversing her way down tunnels in her thoughts, the music and scent hiding the oppression that embraced the fay witch to try and darken her mind. Thick and fine flames dangling down from above dissolved as she moved forward. The healer's silky soft long ears and watchful eyes kept constant surveillance, her strength heightened from the seeds.
Of course her companions the orbs worried as the healer was slumped down, vexation on her face aware of her surroundings, the fay orbs sang a melody to remind the witch she wasn't alone, bringing rainbow colours to the healers attention, yet again giving her a smile.
Rowana stood gazing, the cavern stretching before her. Many tunnels left the cave going in different directions. A vast ocean of goblins were collapsed with empty tankards that the healer guessed had been filled with ale.
Rats and mice skulked along the edge of the cave walls searching for a morsel of food, while a swarm of bats left their sleeping areas and flew down the tunnels flapping and screeching as they flocked together.
Rowana recalled the first time she'd seen a goblin when she was very young, it had been a strange meeting of mind games and dramatic gestures, as if having a discussions with a deaf mute. They'd run between forest trees, chasing each other and sending out their magic to become invisible. Of course Rowana could fly, which set the two apart. Rowana tried not to use her flying skills, but the thrill became too much to avoid.
The young goblin named Ogrok would become infuriated, putting paid to their game by sulking off in a huff, with Rowana pleading for him to come back, making promises she knew she wouldn't keep, for it was hard for a faerie not to use her wings.
Against the far end wall the healer noticed what she thought to be the leader slouched on his throne snoring loudly. Rowana ate two more seeds, chewed and swallowed, they tasted of nothing in particular, but as they went down again her senses were heightened, to the point she could perceive the leaders thoughts even without getting up close.
Spreading her wings quietly so as not to wake the mass of sleeping goblins, her invisible figure floated over bodies arriving at the leaders side, his face covered by thin black strands, Rowana had the shock of her life, she knew that face even though he was older, it was the much deteriorated looking Ogrok, his features disfigured over time, but Rowana knew for sure it was him.
The healer was aware from when they were young that Ogrok had detested creatures who could fly. She saw in her minds eye the goblins mixing up a dust spell to put the forest birds to sleep...well at least they're not dead! She pondered. Rowana knew she'd have to teach the leader and his minions a lesson, but would wait to see if they turned up at the next meeting to admit they did it and apologize, though she didn't hold out much hope.
Back at the entrance the orbs gathered around Rowana's body waiting for her to wake and come back to them. The witch was now with soft breath exploring the minds of the other goblins, shedding the many layers darkening their thoughts. Rowana knew they were mischievous, but not for one moment did the witch think they'd resort to attacking forest birds.
The goblins were supposed to be protectors of the land, they'd always taken care of the trees and many plants of the forest, taking only what they needed back into the underworld. Now she was crushed with sudden swirling emotions, palms clutching for exterior energy for the healer had seen enough.
Waking slowly Rowana opened her heavy eyelids to find herself sitting on the hard ground, her back against a rock, legs splayed out in front of her. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. Rowana's companions the fay orbs were darting this way and that frenzied to know what was going on.
“Not now!” Uttered Rowana coming to stand and brushing the lights away from her head, like they were annoying flies. “We must get home post-haste, there's much to do.”
It was now brisk and cold on this autumn night. Tired and fatigued Rowana listened to the unfettered dry crunch of fallen dead leaves beneath her feet, evidence of summers end, like some of the creatures the witch healer pondered it would be good to hibernate through winter and awake in the spring! But that would be impossible! She thought to herself.
Knowing it was nearing Samhain the witch healer felt a burning desire to grieve for dead loved ones, so bad her heart beat fast, blood pumping through veins, annoyance at those imbeciles causing so much bother, now she had to resolve herself to attending to goblin matters.
As Rowana began her trek back to the cottage, she thought about potions and their potency, the healer didn't want to hurt the goblins, just teach them a lesson.
Back at the cottage the orbs were still anxious to know what was going on, they floated around the front door waiting to be invited in. The faerie witche's cat Alwyn also sat meowing, she'd had enough of exploring and being petted by fay folk.
Entering her kitchen, Rowana contemplated her visions, trauma of what she'd seen left the witch tired. “I must get some sleep...if only for a while,” she professed to the orbs of light.
Alwyn jumped up on the table eager to be noticed as she was hungry. The cat purred a deep tone that sounded like an engine running. Rowana lifted the feline into her arms coddling the cat like a baby. “Are you hungry puss?” She whispered softly, smoothing her silky black coat. Alwyn continued to purr louder. “Come on then, let's get you some food, then I must settle down for some shut eye.”
The healer mashed up some leftover fish, as Alwyn licked her lips waiting for the treat. “Now don't go bothering me while I rest,” she uttered. Alwyn meowed as if understanding but was more interested in eating.
“Now then!” Announced Rowana in a higher tone turning to the orbs and rubbing her hands together and explaining to them what she'd seen. It had been a quick explanation and her fay companions knew what the healer was about to say and started to lead her through to the bedroom, some of the lights giggled jostling her from behind. “Okay, okay! There's no need to shove,” she declared.
The witche's bedroom was quite plain and simple. Surrounding stone walls had small depressions that shelved candle holders, there was a bed on the far side of the wall with an oak wooden chest.
Rowana was too tired to undress, so just slipped off her ballet shoes and tucked her wings away into shirt after removing her jacket. Climbing into bed and telling the orbs of light to wake her when the sun had risen, the witch closed her eyes and was soon asleep.
Again the orbs giggled as they left. In the kitchen fay lights began brushing the kitchen floor, sweeping away the dust that accumulated. They didn't need daylight to see, the fay had their own light, which if needed could be made stronger. Her little helpers wanted the kitchen tidy for when Rowana awoke.
To be continued...
pixabay free image.
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I want one of those scrying
I want one of those scrying bowls. But I might be too scared to look in.
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So enjoyed these first two
So enjoyed these first two parts, Jenny. Your use of language is really beautiful, and I'm totally caught up in this magical world. Looking forward to the next part!
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The enchantment goes on,
The enchantment goes on, lovely fay atmosphere, Jenny. Wonderful transmogrification of the ordinary world. Great names too - Ogrok, Bleel and Sprig.
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Agree with Airy about the
Agree with Airy about the language, it is wonderful eg "fragile display of gliding, twisting and diving"
and with Hilary about the names, Bleel particularly
I wish I had fairy help with the housework :0)
you have "rouge" goblins, should it be rogue?
loving your story, you make magic real
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