Behold The Faerie Realm Part Four

By skinner_jennifer
- 1143 reads
Part Four
That same evening that the goblins made merry, twilight moon ascended stirring the atmosphere, measure of time was unimportant as radiance evoked recognition in the faerie realm. Fertile land feeding needs and desires gave boundaries that were important, the fairies and elves vigilant to the watchful eyes of goblins roaming freely, on their guard at all times fearing what trouble they might get up to next.
Some of the fay folk were so tiny, they would ride on backs of snails, beetles or woodlice, having races to see who could reach a vantage point first. Even flying on fluffy bees would be a fun game, holding on tight as the pollinators flitted around during the summertime.
Come autumn when the land was more formidable it would be a challenge to remain concealed and able to roam freely. Fay would move between ancient trees of forest deep, where whispers danced unnoticed, settling upon ivy that amused itself by encroaching land ever so slowly, snaking like a doomed trespasser at the hands of gnomes with honed scythes.
Rowana had rounded up her greatest allies the elves who felt proud to serve the witch, they never shirked in their duties and were concerned about the birds that still lay where they'd landed which had been two days ago.
Eventually Rowana appeared at her door with tiny sacks which she handed out to the elves. “The villains beyond have got what they deserve coming to them, their misfortune is of their own making.” Declared the witch, feeling more relieved having had a restful nap.
She continued to inform the elves. “The purpose of you being here so late in the day, is to reverse the spell the goblins put on our friends the birds. Inside your sacks there is magic dust, I have tried it out on a blue tit bought to my attention by Bolvor the gnome, the little bird is fine now.” Rowana said smiling. “I want you to search for as many birds in the forest as you can find and sprinkle them with just a pinch of magic.” The witch raised her eyes and pointed her finger. “I have to caution you that it won't be instant, so don't hang around. I also have scarves for each one of you to wear, I can't have you elves getting sickly at my expense.”
The elves took a scarf each and put them on, nodding and smiling that they understood. Without a word they just turned and made their way down the lane towards the fields and on to the forest. It was a chill afternoon as each elf sprinted off in search of birds.
Elves weren't much for talking, they were able to read each others minds, preserving the peace and quiet, the same held true for the faeries that enjoyed making funny high pitched sounds only they understood.
Time passed in the forest pushing through deep undergrowth of prickly thorns and ferns. The elves were weary at break of day. By the time they reached the last forest path the elves shivered in the eerie silence, desperate to be back in their elfin settlement.
There life was ploughing the land, growing corn and barley which they'd barter at the village market, for such goods as they needed. The elves lived on the edge of the forest in winter, building new homes in the forest come summer.
Elfin folk could turn their hands to building shelters in the highest trees and were clever carpenters when it came to working with wood, making tiny furniture, jewelry, carving out tiny cups and plates with flint, or any other sharp stones they could find.
During the winter they settled in cabins just the right size for their families and collected water from the waterfall that flowed into Hiccup lake and was close to goblin rock face.
As the moon rose across the sky radiantly smiling down, the little band of elves shook themselves free of cobwebs that had attached to their clothes. Removing their scarves they headed home so swiftly you wouldn't even have known they'd been there.
In that late afternoon the goblins made merry late into the night, their bony bodies feeling as light as a feather, there was almost an elegance, as they appeared to each other to move in slow motion. Their cave had become a mass of coloured lights that seemed to swirl, drifting rays bouncing off each other.
The cave walls felt cool to touch as they shape shifted, each goblin obsessed with their own vision, smiling like Cheshire cats, eyes bulging. They carried on drinking, finding the whole new experience mind blowing.
Of course Rowana watched the whole scene developing from her kitchen, gazing into her scrying bowl. “Those goblins won't know what hit them in the morning,” she uttered stretching and yawning. It would be another long day tomorrow and Rowana had seen enough. “Come on Alwyn, it's time we both got some sleep, it's a big day tomorrow.”
It was morning of the third day, Sprig was the first to wake. Opening his eyes, at first he'd forgotten where he was, his dreams so clearly echoing in his mind, he'd been floating on a fay boat down a cool running river, traversing under a rainbow bridge of many colours. There were gold and silver willow trees hanging down on the banks, with dreamy pink cotton clouds in the distance.
Now Sprig discovered to his horror that he and the other goblins were drifting in the air. The goblin was panic stricken and began thrashing around terrified and shouting, “HELP!” As he flapped his arms around, it did nothing but cause him to rise even higher till he was elevated to the ceiling where he scratched among the bats, trying to push himself free.
Very soon all the goblins were awake, tossing and flailing arms around, it was pandemonium with bats flying everywhere.
Ogrok was furious, shaking his fist with humiliation, blaming Sprig and Bleel. It was then that Ogrok realized what was going on, it clicked in his mind! This must have something to do with that blasted witch! He pondered.
Turning to the other goblins, Ogrok shouted for “QUIET!” His voice echoing around the cave. “LOOK!” He bellowed. “We've been drugged, it must have been the ale we drunk last night.”
Sprig was just about to speak, when the master hushed him. “I suggest we all take deep breaths and calm down till it wears off. Perhaps if we stop panicking it will be easier to manage.”
All the goblins gazed at one another and tried to relax, breathing deeply shocked but intrigued by the floating feeling. Unexpectedly as they calmed down the goblins began to enjoy the floating sensation, but still preferred their feet firmly on the ground.
To be continued...
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Those goblins like to make merry, don't they? Carefree prose and an entertaining read.
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hey, we all want to fly.
hey, we all want to fly.
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