"He Will Not Let You Fall."

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 785 reads
This morning as I was preparing the cat’s breakfast, we have five, on top of their KitKat, I put chicken from my dinner the night before, on top of each food, then I put some milk in each of the five bowls. I make sure it is fair, as each Cat is important, my Husband Paul does not do it that way, he puts the meat on a plate and the greedy, dominant ones get the lion’s share. Each morning, I then put each cat’s dish in the same order onto the kitchen floor, the order of the dishes never changes for breakfast, when I’m the one doing the breakfast.
So, it’s Gray first, then Nanny, then Turmeric and Jonathan. Hotel also called, Fat Bloke by Paul as he is hated by all the animals in the house and by the dogs, but not hated by Turmeric, he eats in the Lounge.
Turmeric our youngest cat, with a heart of gold, I suppose is a teenager, and not as wise as the others, this morning he didn’t even touch his breakfast, when this happens, I take the tasty morsal of meat and put it next to the dish, so he can see it against the white tiled floor, and then he eats it, but this morning, he didn’t and went off into to the lounge.
I followed Turmeric I went into the lounge I ran after him, and as I did so I tripped over one of the cat’s toys.
Everything happened so fast, I fell in a straight line, with such speed, with all my body falling to the ground, I missed two wooden tables, my little nest of table that is by the sofa and the large, heavy, oak, old coffee table. I had not time to even put my hands out to save my face.
I hit the ground with such force, but I didn’t, none of my body HIT the ground. I got up off the floor, 100% unhurt. I’ve had some bizarre incidents happen throughout my life, but never one like this. When I’ve fallen over in the past, I’ve hurt something, be it my hand, knee, elbow, arm etc. but as I got up, I very quickly realised, I was not hurt. I don’t think any part of me went onto the ground, in the lounge which has hard wooden floors.
I was shocked that my head did not bang onto the nest of table, one that is always by the sofa where I put my hot drinks and relieved, I didn’t hit my head off the thick, oak, coffee table.
If I had hit my head, it would have knocked me out or killed me in an instant!
I knew it was a miracle, there is no other explanation for it. A song from a long time ago, before I got married, popped into my head, By the Maranatha! Singers, “He Will Not Let You Fall, He Will Not Let You Fall, He Is Never Weary, And He Will Not Let You Fall.” So, although I fell, He was ahead of me and I was unhurt. I don’t know why at other times I’d fallen over and was hurt, but even then, not seriously.
I remembered to say, “Thank you,” To God, it’s always good to say, thank you.
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The fall of the house of kitten
Hi Grace77
The things we do in the line of duty for our feline overloards. You were lucky not to have hurt yourself but please be more careful in the future; watch your footing because it may not turn out the same way next time.
I liked your story and can relate to going the extra mile to make sure all the cats are properly looked after, even the rebellious teens.
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