Home Read Write Forums Blogs My brother also has a Humpty Dumpty (IP) By Tom BrownSat, 10 Apr 2021 423 reads 1 comments My brother also has a Georgy Porgy one: Humpty Dumpty pudding and pie Bombed the Arabs and watched them die But when Korea came out to play Humpty Dumpty ran away Certificate UPoemPudding and ProofHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments Comments typo Permalink Submitted by Tom Brown on Sat, 2021-04-10 11:28 Sory bout the typo. Fixed. Please note all names and places are fictitious. Based on a true story. Log in to post comments
My brother also has a Humpty Dumpty (IP) By Tom BrownSat, 10 Apr 2021 423 reads 1 comments My brother also has a Georgy Porgy one: Humpty Dumpty pudding and pie Bombed the Arabs and watched them die But when Korea came out to play Humpty Dumpty ran away Certificate UPoemPudding and ProofHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments Comments typo Permalink Submitted by Tom Brown on Sat, 2021-04-10 11:28 Sory bout the typo. Fixed. Please note all names and places are fictitious. Based on a true story. Log in to post comments