A Song for Kenny Novel (Part 9)
By Richard L. Provencher
- 770 reads
He was lost.
There was no doubt about it. It was a panicky feeling. Trees took on a scared look. They stared back with spooky frowns. Even the wind whistled a ghostly tune.
Fooled you, eh sonny? Thought you were so smart. You should have stayed by that creek. No matter how many twists and turns it made.
And it was so true.
Kenny foolishly strayed from known territory. Not long ago he was snug as a bug in a rug.
What went wrong?
His tent had been like a castle. There was not only shelter, but also food. Now he was famished. Being lost and alone also made you do foolish things.
Like about food.
He ripped off the paper wrapping and devoured his chocolate bar. Then he sat down on the damp grass and licked his fingers. He stuffed the paper wrapper in his pocket.
Kenny was still civilized. No one was going to call him a litterbug.
He flicked away a few mosquitoes and noticed one didn't quite make it. Blood streaked across the back of his wrist.
The sun blistered his eyes. A movement to his left made him jump. It was a deer. A whitetail was watching him. Its nose was curious about his human scent.
The deer's ears perked up.
Kenny carefully watched this wild creature. How could anyone ever think of hurting something so beautiful? Would he change his feelings, as he got older and still go hunting? The doe stared back, not sure whether to run or not.
Kenny's right leg was going to sleep. He moved slowly, breaking a branch as his leg straightened. The deer turned quickly and leaped high over some fallen spruce. Its white tail bobbed up and down.
Goodbye for now, it said.
Why did it run? Kenny wouldn't have hurt it. He rushed after the only friend he had in the whole world right now. Then he fell flat on his face. He didn't have the same spring as the deer.
And his toe caught on a branch.
Kenny tumbled head over heels, then slammed into the ground as his sore leg folded under him. The shock was quick and painful. He was afraid to look down.
A large tear showed near his left calf. Finally he glanced at the source of the discomfort. It was covered in blood.
"AGGH!" he cried out. It smarted. Gingerly he touched around the smear of red. There was a four-inch slash and it really hurt. Several other scrapes criss-crossed the red smear. He didn't feel good at all.
A sharp twig sticking out from the ground must have ripped it. Anger swelled up inside. He felt like knocking down trees.
If only mom was here, she'd make him feel better. He missed her hugs right now. They wouldn't be mushy at all. It would be so nice to have her hold him. He needed that right now.
He imagined he was back in his room, waiting for mom to call him for supper.
Except he wasn't, he was just a stupid kid who got lost in the woods. And he had a bloody scrape on his leg and no one to talk to.
Kenny stumbled to his knees. His mouth felt dry from thirst. Hunger threatened his stomach. He felt empty inside. It was replaced by fear and fantasy.
He dreamed of cake.
He remembered his twelfth birthday and his very first cake. Mom supervised carefully as she proudly watched her son make it. He remembered that birthday cake as something special.
It was a Pickwick Chocolate cake.
Kenny had followed every order. Imagine, his very own prepared cake. It was a super treat and they both waited patiently while it cooled. Kenny never loved his mom more than at that time. It was hard to believe it was a few months ago. It all seemed so far away from these woods.
His birthday had been great. Some of his classmates came over. They couldn't believe he had actually baked his own cake.
Now here he was, alone in the woods. And he had a huge hunger.
Kenny slumped to the ground feeling tired all over. He tiredly watched red ants scurrying around his foot. The possibility of a nest under the mound of grass stirred him into action.
Kenny wished he were one of those ants. At least he would have somewhere to go, with a family waiting for him; or friends.
He itched all over. Every section of his body had been thoroughly scratched. Oh to have a warm bath and just soak.
Evening shadows began to cover the sun's warm glow. Several ducks swooped low over the huddled figure below.
Kenny watched through half-closed eyes until they were distant dots. He thought about his survival. People would be looking for him.
Everyone, even that fellow who might some day be his step-dad. It was hard to admit, but James really wasn't such a bad guy.
Maybe he would make good dad. Kenny should have had the courage to tell his mom and James how he really felt, without having a fit. Then Kenny wouldn't have had to run away.
And he should have told his mom about Troy. Maybe they could all have gone together to talk to Mr. Montgomery.
If Kenny got out of this, he might even give James a chance to prove himself. Kenny felt OK about Troy, too. He would tell him he was sorry he was such a dope. And that he deserved to get 'bopped.'
Kenny longed to see his friends again, and Larry.
He knew the RCMP rescue unit would be out looking for him. But, would they find him in time? He was so famished he was ready to begin chewing on his arm.
By now his bleeding leg had stopped. The throbbing pain was gone as well.
His exhausted body relaxed for a few moments and watched sunset, sparks of light filter through the clouds. Pink on purple stretched from his left to his far right. Speckles of clouds dotted the sky.
A chill blew across Kenny's shoulders. It pushed away the sunlight flicker that lingered as rays of warmth, as dying embers on a log fire.
He sensed tonight would be quite cool as the sun dipped low on the horizon. Clouds gathered and the trees became faceless.
Kenny was all alone another night.
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An adventure for Kenny which
An adventure for Kenny which I hope leaves him rescued soon.
Great read.
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