Kingdom of Heaven
By Tom Brown
- 994 reads
Is there life out there? Could there even be intelligent life? One wonders if there might be other beings similar to us? Other beings, intelligent heavenly beings perhaps like kinds of aliens strange animals or angels or spirits or so and kings and empires peoples and nations millions of light-years far far away. Or near, for that matter. Under our noses.
All things are possible with God. The Father has dominion over all rulers, over nations, over stars light-years away over a universe far beyond all human thought or understanding, all of science and logic beyond any imagination, over spiritual and material and of all space, time and matter.
I think of the song Amazing Grace. To create such a majestic magnificent vast and endless Universe for only us few people here on earth, why then?
Well one thing I firmly believe we and our children will colonise populate and conquer all of outer space. Ever conquering and ever victorious. From victory to victory as marching the great Kingdom of Heaven! It is possible it might be the plan. Peoples counted many as the stars in the sky as drops in the oceans, the Earth the mustard seed. Time is on our side. We may be of the first pioneers making remote space and wilderness habitable.
The Son of God was crucified died and resurrected physically, ascended to the heavens and to return thus again as flesh with the second coming. Our own weak and sinful body left behind in dust and ashes of flesh, as of a physical material body and birth as fallen man, to a risen glorified holy immortal soul.
The promise was our children will be many as the sand of the sea and stars of heaven and in Revelations is said he saw a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues.
The Kingdom of God is to multiply to propagate endless life fearlessly, to overcome adversity and all obstacles ever onwards. First to populate our solar system and the closest stars building remote manned bases on planets and moons and even space itself, and life established at the frontiers with hundreds of new settlements building homes and self-sustaining communities.
From there then all of our galaxy the Milky Way and galaxies all further and further and more and ever onwards and to the limits of the Universe.
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Hi, Tom. The Bible says that
Hi, Tom. The Bible says that earth was created with such a special wonderful universe surrounding for God to create people in his image to look after it and able to have special fellowship with him.
Jesus coming again is linked with his remaking the universe which has been marred by sin and its consequences. I don't see how our coloinizing the present universe – where nothing has been made so suitable for our needs as this earth – or that God should make other aliens in quite separate creations – fits in! Rhiannon
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Next stop - Mars - and then..
Next stop - Mars - and then...who knows? Let's hope your vision becomes reality, Tom!
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