Emotional Well-being and Writing
By Tom Brown
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Perhaps that is the reason for writing, especially poetry. Just let it go. Write your feelings down and free them and clear your mind of repetitive thoughts. Face the facts. Face your feelings. Clean and rid of negative thought patterns and replace and nurture positive and optimistic thoughts.
On paper confront and face your fears your hate guilt sin and shame. Your dreams and hopes and heal, write your stories let it go let them fly away and let them live if they can. Then write of happiness and the beauty that surrounds us. We often go through these motions without realising it.
What is a poet, what is a writer, a mathematician? Someone who can count is a mathematician we all are writers, you are a writer when you know the alphabet as the symbols and the sounds and can make a sentence, and for a poet practically anything goes.
Often our minds are filled with very negative things, anger, jealousy, resentments grievances feelings of revenge and so on. We must deal with these things we are not hurting anyone they probably don't even know who you are. You are only nursing and keeping alive old wounds and hurting only yourself. This is the truth.
To unburden your mind, to deal with negative emotion and things like trauma and depression and free you from a negative mindset, things that dominated your mind such as fear and hate it could be anything, even excessive elation and the horrible malicious joy. And I imagine there are all kinds things like obsessions too. Yes, quietly let your words to rest. Remember the serenity prayer.
Some people write down dreams or write to deceased relatives to get things off your chest. Making amends and forgiving to find serenity and peace. Can't do any harm can it?
I would actually want to recommend writing to a person suffering from these kinds of problems to obtain clarity and balance. Just let go. Be yourself. No one has to see it. It could be a good idea for a psychologist to encourage writing I have found it often is much easier to (first) write something down than to speak it. Nothing wrong with that is there?
There are different forms of writing such as romantic love letters keeping records and journals or a diary and also free-writing. There is automatic writing too but this doesn't sound so healthy to me.
Many stories come from remembering dreams in sleep and writing down when you wake up. Apparently these can help understand your subconscious mind.
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Flash fiction, “mini” or “micro” prose or poetic prose or lyrics work very well, meditations as well as short stories but kept very short. I find these are not so hard to write and more people will read it because it's usually more interesting and rewarding and the fact is reading it is much less effort.
The good news is that to become an accomplished writer you have time on your side, most games and sport and serious competitions peak early, around the middle twenties while writers can be productive much later as far as even of 70s or 80s are common. For a writer you must have a rich inner life, maturity and life experience.
Writing can be very therapeutic. It can help you cope it helps us deal with confusion frustration and pain and to regain balance a positive attitude. We do many of these things without realising. I am now suggesting a deliberate effort. Habitually thinking of good things and on purpose fostering an optimistic state of mind a “the cup is always half-full” attitude leads to a happier and more productive life spreading hope and joy and love.
Of course also and for the most part as simply entertainment and to be enjoyed by the writer and most important by the reader as well.
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I had a blue budgie and a yellow one the blue one had only one thing on his mind. Escape. His life dream was flying. One night he did escape. He slipped out while I was giving them food he was gone we couldn't find him. It was middle winter he couldn't have survived long. But he had is his thrill of flight. To me it would be worthwhile too.
When the work is done and finished and you are satisfied you might want show it to others you can submit prose or poetry you might publish on the internet or even in more traditional press. One should take pride in good work done, of anything worthwhile. But don't throw pearls to the swine.
Then such as releasing a small bird from an open window, the work now has to survive on it's own it has gone. Kicked out the nest as such. Severed. Finally. Your words and secrets have been freed.
I believe creative writing is a very healthy way to spend time but ultimately it depends on you yourself.
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Again, useful thoughts Tom.
Again, useful thoughts Tom. Writing can be a form of therapy albeit self disclosure can be tricky to get right. You might feel better initially but then feel exposed for revealing your thoughts and feelings to the world.
Anyway, I enjoyed reading this.
Keep well, Sir Tom
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The well being that writing
The well being that writing brings is fundamental. Even when I was young and having a life, I always left time to sit and write my feelings down. Before joining abc tales I wrote only for myself, nobody ever got to see what I wrote, but I found it so satisfying to read back and recall that moment in time.
Writing is an addiction for me, always has been as far back as I can recall. Though I now realize that there's so much more to the written word. Through the help of so many people on abc tales that have mentored me, I'v learned so much more and know that my younger writing was not really up to scratch, but that doesn't matter because it's good to always go on improving.
Thank you for sharing your own thoughts.
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....and Tom Brown, you speak
....and Tom Brown, you speak words of wisdom in a way we all can hear.
I think we are all of us born as painters and sculptors, dancers and music makers...we take crayons and make our marks, we sing out for the joy of hearing our own voices. We move with no inhabitions to the rhythms of our young, supble bodies and we drum on whatever will viabrate out into the air around us. These gifts are within each one of us. We were held them. All we need do is allow ourselves to "be" in our own moments, and paint with words, sculpt with the crevices they make, make music with letters and drum and dance with the rhythms of what we write.
It was enlightening to read your thoughts.
Thank you for sharing them... Marcia
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....and Tom Brown, you speak
....and Tom Brown, you speak words of wisdom in a way we all can hear.
I think we are all of us born as painters and sculptors, dancers and music makers...we take crayons and make our marks, we sing out for the joy of hearing our own voices. We move with no inhabitions to the rhythms of our young, supble bodies and we drum on whatever will viabrate out into the air around us. These gifts are within each one of us. We were held them. All we need do is allow ourselves to "be" in our own moments, and paint with words, sculpt with the crevices they make, make music with letters and drum and dance with the rhythms of what we write.
It was enlightening to read your thoughts.
Thank you for sharing them... Marcia
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