My Support

By Rhiannonw
- 657 reads
[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundtays series}
Stir up yourself to daily praise
exalt, extol his name and ways:
though body, mind be racked with care,
my soul can praise him everywhere.
O praise the Lord, praise God with me,
and think of all his blessings free,
for he will always hear my cry
for help; my needs he’ll well supply.
My praise will cheer the struggling saint,
and lift his thoughts far from complaint;
he sees the truth of what he hears –
the Lord delivering me from fears.
Each one who fears his holy name,
and looks to him will know no shame.
God’s radiance on their face is found,
and they are guarded all around.
Come, see and think of all the good
that God can give us – richest ‘food’;
and taste, take refuge, he will bless
when broken-hearted, in distress.
The self-sufficient will not know
his closeness, help and hope; for though
the crushed in spirit grieve for sin,
they trust and know they’re safe in him.
Remember then, fear him, and serve;
and guard your tongue; God will observe,
and hear your cries, now peace pursue,
from evil turn, good things to do.
And yes, he sees the wicked too,
and knows the awful things they do.
Those who choose righteousness, and trust,
the Lord redeems, and counts as just. Tune: LMD
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A good life, a good way of living! For me, it was a new life. Thanks for all the encouragement and to find our way and stay on the right path. Keep well Rhiannon!
&& Nolan
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An atheist is a man with no invisible means of support
An atheist is a man with no invisible means of support. Almost weekend... things look not too bad at the moment. Like you say all of us have our own problems and some are shared.
Hope you're well, talk again soon! Tom
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