“there is a there…..still there”

By MarciaMarcia
- 1164 reads
“There is a there…still there”
found clarity in knowing
how to negotiate
all things You
how to speak with You
how to “be” with You
in Your moments
lays bare…..
there is a there…..still there
my words when writing
not easy in flow
express deeply, difficult thoughts, feelings
as I stand…..witness to
Your slow disappearance
Your self becoming un-become
this deconstruction
of mind and body
done mercilessly
by mercurial disfunction
of synapse, alchemy and groove
within grayed matter
these, have tolled my abilities to negotiate
my own being, now
by inner tremor,
in fog of headiness
by dizzy unbalance of self
In acknowledgement
Your shadow of self
Your gone….but not gone
loss, a losing, a grieving
while You still breathe
this fragmentary death
while alive
a most ambiguous loss
I steel myself reeled and spooling
again…..again…..and again
ambivalent in a dichotomy
of feeling and knowing
all deplete normal needs
all limit desire to complete
the uncompleted
all impede motion
to advance forward
this passage
of love’s life passing
undoes me
Marcia Marcia
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This is incredibly moving. I
This is incredibly moving. I am so sorry. I wish I had some comfort for what you are suffering. I hope writing this helped and that you are able to have times of respite
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The slow loss and bereavement
The slow loss and bereavement must be so hard, though I suppose a sudden loss unexpected is hard in a different way.
Again you do describe the anguish, and sadness of the gradual contact lessening well, and yes, that mught be an encouragement to others finding it hard to vocalise.
My father-in-law was very distresssed at the beginning of his failing, didn't understand what was happening. He had always been a rather angry and antagonisitc sort of person. But gradually he could argue less, and concentrated more on listening, and, hopefully, trusting, and being more content in simple care and love of others. Rhiannon
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I'm so pleased the writing is
I'm so pleased the writing is helping you, and that you're able to share it here.
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Picture Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/37387777@N04/5507056190
(MarciaMarcia – the picture has been added for publicity purposes. Please feel free to change or remove.)
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Of course it is ok to put
Of course it is ok to put your poem here, it's more than ok, it is a great gift, because you are so honest, eloquent, brave, about what you are experiencing? Your words are a priceless resource and reassurance for others, saying you are not alone, I have been where you are. Not only that, it helps people understand that carers need support.
Please continue to post!
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