A Sleepless Night
By luigi_pagano
- 708 reads
It is rather late,
I'm trying to sleep
but ask myself
will the milk keep?
When I bought it I didn't
check the 'sell by' date.
There was a time
when the milkman left
the gold-top bottles
on our doorstep
in winter mornings
when it was still dark.
The birds were quick
at piercing the flimsy
milk bottle's caps
enabling them
to steal the cream,
overstepping the mark.
It is at such moments
that one tends
to change his opinion
of our feathered friends
No ifs and no buts,
we'll hate their guts.
But why do I bother
about a trivial thing
as a dairy product
or the implication
of rascal birds'
improper conduct,
while the end is nigh?
The death knell tolled
lugubriously clear
for our doomed planet
but to the dire warning
of global warming
we seem to be deaf
and do not respond.
The sudden realisation
that this matter is
of far-reaching import
for everyone's sake
has jolted me so
that all-night-long
I'll remain awake.
© Luigi Pagano 2021
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you have cleverly held
you have cleverly held together oppposite extremes of worry here :0) Last night on the radio a lady from (I think) the Natural History Museum, who specialises in past mass extinctions was asked how she felt about species loss now, and she replied "Worried, extremely worried, as are all the scientists I know"
Well done finding a new way of framing this!
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...as ever Luigi; so often we lose ourselves in ephemera of day to day, reverie of the past and don't notice the juggerernaut of our future until it is almost upon us.
Best wishes
Lena xx
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