Alfred Muggins’ Holiday In Marmaris 2022 : Part 1 : Holiday Delays and Invasions

By David Kirtley
- 950 reads
The Day before had been quite terrible in its earlier stages due to the pressure of not having everything quite ready for the holiday. Technically they had had more than enough time to prepare for this holiday as it had originally been planned for May 2020, a full two years before!
Due to the Coronavirus Invasion of March/April 2020 the holiday in Turkey had been very definitely cancelled at that time, and put on ice, so to speak, as the skies had had to be cleared of planes and passengers in a no fly zone across the whole of Europe and the world in general, (which made you wonder why it was so difficult to institute a ‘no fly zone’ in just one country Ukraine, only two short years after! Although that would have involved flying in order to shoot down Russian planes and missiles, whereas in 2020 no one even needed to go into the sky to shoot down anything. Such a thought would have been almost completely unheard of and almost totally unimagined, except in some godforsaken sad country like Yemen, or every few years in Gaza, which had become almost normal as it happened so often (occasionally) over the years (or Syria, or Iraq!).
But back then the rest of the world had not quite realized just how much of a Nazi Bastard (Oops! He had done it now! Watch out for Mrs Muggins or Facebook censorship!! Or maybe Russian troll trouble, or worse?) Lord Putin was! We all thought he was a quietly spoken distinguished gentleman, with a wily streak, who was not averse to cracking down sometimes, but only did it when he saw some reasonable need!
However Lord (Tsar!) Putin had now lost all reasonability, the masks were off and he had been revealed as a mass murderer on a disturbingly large scale! Beware of whom you put your trust in! It was too late for poor Russia, and they were already in the sky, shooting random missiles and due to crash land sooner or later, probably once they had emptied their arsenal completely.
Alfred reckoned the clue had been there all along. Vladimir (the Bold, or maybe the Reckless? Or perhaps the Terrible (yes that had a ring of truth to it!)) had long been reputed for keeping visitors at more than arm’s length (or even leg’s length, under the table?). In fact many observers believed that Vlad (the Bad?) had been up to no good, busy lengthening his tables after each visitor. He was surely sending a message, while poor Super Diplomat (Boy Scout?) Macron was kept at the end of a very long table by the New Emperor Putin!
Alfred bet that Putin would not have insulted the Chinese Emperor Xi Jinping in such a way when he came to visit. Surely they would sit close and even shake hands as blood brothers, sworn to defend the Great Mantelpiece of International Communism (International Commumisery, otherwise known as Communal Misery For The Masses, Destruction of all Ancient Cultures and Religions using the handy modern tool of capitalist greed and efficiency, and, most important, the Destruction of Democracy and the Democratic Spirit (the Ancient Greeks would have been rolling in their graves, or urns (?), that Putin and Xi Jinping could so easily ride roughshod over their great ancient creation!).
Alfred was firmly of the opinion that there were some good ideas in the basis of Communism, but the lack of democracy in the practice of the movement in its many guises had completely ruined it, more than once (indeed a number of times!). Without real democracy communism was quite useless to the human race, and indeed quite dangerous!)
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Communism isn't a bad idea.
Communism isn't a bad idea. Despots and Putins are.
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Ruminations about Putinpot in
Ruminations about Putinpot in Turkey. Don't let a despot ruin your holiday. Interesting thoughts about democracy and communism.
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