Going on a Way-hunt!

By Rhiannonw
- 1222 reads
Marked on the latest OS maps, but too remote today to be much used.
We walk from our caravan rented on friends’ farm.
Way-markers seem to be missing, confused.
Moving arrow on OS map on his tablet indicates where we are
and where the path should be,
but no indication on the ground.
Continued on the alternative, but arrived at a barbed-wire fence
(can’t get under it, can’t get through it, cant get over it*);
down at the bottom of the field, could ford the stream
to a fence-like gate across it (to stop the sheep?)
(can’t get under it, can’t get through it, must climb over it*)
and then through hay of grasses and tiny butterflies (or moths?)
(can’t get under it, can’t climb over it, must go through it*)
and found an ancient stile (so this must be the old path, but little sign of present usage).
Horizontal step’s rotten ‘leg’ collapsed on being stood on,
but stood my weight when the ‘leg’ was turned upside down.
(can’t get under it, can’t get through it, must climb over it*)
and on to a gate and through the stream again
(can’t get under it, can’t get over it, must wade through it*)
still on track on map, but 2 barbed-wire fences low enough to stride over
(can’t get under it, can’t get through it, must climb over it*)
thistle forest spaced out, no problem!
(can’t get under it, can’t climb over it, must go through it*)
see the earlier ‘gate in the stream'
(could have crossed there to here, but no indication on map or land),
and on to proper track to a farm. Does the path go through the yard?
– Yard full of sheep, probably awaiting summer shearing
(can’t get under it, can’t get over it, can’t get through it*).
Still no signs, but path (marked on tablet)
does seem to lead around side field.
Should lead out to cinder farm-(our farm)path
Still on footpath on tablet.
Way blocked by tallish high barbed-wire fence
(can’t get under it, can’t get through it, must climb over it*)
Managed to negotiate by help of rotting tree stump,
and balancing on lower fence wire without damaging.**
So on to stoney track and up the hill back to farm and caravan.
No signs seen of closure of the path.
Beautiful views from both sides of green valley,
far hills, sheep, lambs, sleeping calf with mother.
*misquotes from ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt!’
** no fences were damaged in the expedition!
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This sounds like quite some
This sounds like quite some escapade Rhiannon. I can imagine when you're young there wouldn't be much of a problem, but your poem describes many obstacles, it must have been a demanding trail to follow, but at least you had some great views as you describe.
I enjoyed your poem and your holiday sounds like a real adventure.
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You deserve a medal of some
You deserve a medal of some kind for overcoming all those hurdles Rhiannon! Glad you didn't meet any angry farmers along the way! (isn't it illegal to fence in public footways?)
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I was right there with you,
I was right there with you, Rhiannon. And exhausted as you must have been! I trust you rested afterwards. Enjoyed reading about your adventure. Paul
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You do sound like you are
You do sound like you are much better! I really admired and enjoyed your determined persevering :0) What an awful lot of obstacles! I hope you will make an account of it for your grandchildren :0)
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