Sleeping Beauties (On Holiday In Turkey!) by Alfred N.Muggins

By David Kirtley
- 586 reads
Alfred went out of the bedroom, not for the first time that morning, after a number of important visits to the bathroom. This time he was on a quest for water, or possibly milk, in their self catering fridge.
The two older ‘princes’ in their party, Mrs Muggins’ son, now middle aged, but mentally very much a teenager, and teenage grandson (who shall both be nameless for the purposes of our stories/diaries) were still asleep, no doubt still under the magical holiday spell, like male versions of Sleeping Beauty, no doubt waiting for their handsome ‘princesses’ to wake them! This would probably have to come in the form of Mrs Muggins, either shouting at them or drawing the curtains open to let the daylight in, and making normal noises.
Maybe they or he, Alfred, would put the TV on and catch up with the news for the first time since Chill Day Number 1, 3 days ago. Mrs Muggins had, of course, placed an embargo on Alfred watching any news from war zones, (so his imagination had been working overtime instead!), (but actually he had been able to have a very peaceful couple of days, with few extra worries about the world’s number 1 conflict of the moment!).
One thing was for sure, the Sleeping ‘Princes’ would not be awoken with a kiss!
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Mrs Muggins applying
Mrs Muggins applying embargoes. It had to happen! Yes, I can imagine Alfred's mind running riot re Ukraine..
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