Does it Rain in Heaven?

By marandina
- 4788 reads
Watching someone close to you leave
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Does it rain in Heaven?
Night comes wearing its cloak
of sable skies and constellations,
moonbeams filter through glass,
casting silhouettes in stillness.
I watch your quiet breathing
and reminisce in the shadows,
dreams of crows in dank mist
lined on archaic tree branches.
A nightscape of milk-lid blinks,
ferrymen for transient souls,
a moribund journey of sorts,
figurative train, final station.
Your faith keeps you strong,
choral strains beckon believers,
matriarchal heart of a lion,
the kindness of strangers.
Midnight silence broken by
water rolling down panes,
metaphors of life and death
held captive in stories over time.
What lies beyond that last breath?
A place just past blinding light,
somewhere we all meet again
or an eternal void of darkness?
Does it rain in Heaven?
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Good question. I dnn't know
Good question. I dnn't know if it rains in heaven. What lies beyond the last breath? I'm not sure either. Factor in faith and the kindess of strangers? I'm not sure about that either. Many questions. Many answer. Multifaceted poem.
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I love the question 'Does it
I love the question 'Does it rain in heaven?' And love, love, love milk-lid blinks. Plenty to think about here and as there is also so much to love, it's our Pick of the Day. Do share on Facebook and Twitter.
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What a beautiful piece - and
What a beautiful piece - and I listened to the audio too. I also loved the milk lids image. Congratulations on the golden cherries and I'm sorry for your loss
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I'm sorry you lost someone
I'm sorry you lost someone loved. This is a beautiful poem of the intensity of the time just before. I loved "milk lid blinks" too, made me think of the skim of moonlight on objects in the dark night. It must rain in Heaven (though how, as it is above clouds I don't know!) because rain is beautiful and Heaven is the place for all beautiful things :0) I think this is one of my favourite poems I have read of yours, so far
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This is such a fond elegy for
This is such a fond elegy for someone passing. I too am sorry for your loss Paul.
These lines stood out to me so much:-
Night comes wearing its cloak
of sable skies and constellations,
moonbeams filter through glass
casting silhouettes in stillness.
I could just imagine you gazing out your window in the night when there's a full moon, and thinking of a loved one, and wondering if when it rains, it's tears from the heavens falling down your window pane...a loved one letting you know they're still with you in spirit.
It's just how I percieved your caring words.
Take care.
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Exemplary poetry, Paul,
Exemplary poetry, Paul, superbly phrased. Congratulations on the Pick of the Day which I'm sure is ready to be upgraded.
Best, Luigi
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I wasn't sure whether to
I wasn't sure whether to comment or simply to press like. Great poem, Paul and my thought are with you xx
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Don't know about rainbows in heaven
Don't know about rainbows in heaven and that just keep on with life I'd say. The other things you have no control over your chance will come soon enough, the cow jump over doggie had fun with the silver spoon and whatnot and all that over the moon. Never-never land. Your poem is very original believe it or not :-)
Cherries well served! Tom Brown
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When someone is in this sort
When someone is in this sort of sleep, it is impossible to know what is filtering through their mind, though I think some have woken again, and told the watcher what good dreams they had, when the watcher had felt they had been troubled.
What lies beyond that last breath? We have been told, and have been told the Way. The thief on the cross (acknowledgeing his crimes) asked Jesus, 'Remember me when you come into your kingdom' and Jesus answerd him, 'I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise'. But the other criminal didn't ask or seemingly repent. Rhiannon
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Never send to know
Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; lest it tolls for thee.
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Hi Paul
Hi Paul
Lovely poem. And such a big question about what happens next. I don't think about rain or sun or weather of any sort. All I want for my heaven is to see my loved ones again. And to be able to watch over and help my loved ones still struggling below.
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Hi Paul. may I respectfully
Hi Paul. may I respectfully point out that the line "for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you" is by John Donne? Hemingway used part of it for the title of his novel.
Kind regards, Luigi.
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A beautiful poem, Paul. I am
A beautiful poem, Paul. I am so sorry you've lost someone. Being with someone as they pass from 'is' to 'was' is a privilege, I think, as well as profoundly sad. I don't myself believe in an after life, but like an earlier commenter, I would like to think that there would be rain.
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