By swindonwoody
- 238 reads
i was just sitting here thinking to myself and i am sure like many of you, we have kept what we write a secret. now as for me I was shy about what i wrote for years and being honest here i wrote songs ( not famous ones) and then poems ( you could say they are the same) and even now i make sure it's just a poem on here. but words are words on here. i feel if someone can take something from what i write that is amazing to me. i think writing is a lonely act to do. i mean no one else can look inside your mind but you. it's not like if you were building a brick wall and someone comes along and said "oh that's not right" and show you how. you have to work it out yourself. omg, if look at something i wrote when i was 12 ouch i sometimes would like to crawl into a corner and hide it away. but no it was the part of the learning i say. i say just keep at it and at it write what you feel no one can copy anyone else works in the way they write. we all have to find our own path.
Oh yes and the spelling word check on here is good but omg the English language has to many words that sound the same but are spelled very differently. a good tick I do like everyone is to ask google for the right spelling( and even sometimes it's get it wrong lol). so just do what you feel. and we got youtube to go to to help us.
so when you on your own writing and feeling omg it just me think of all the others who are right now sitting there writing or like me should be at nearly11.45pm going to bed. if anyone has an idea you like me to do a poem on just say its get my mind going not sure where it going but its goes somewhere lol
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Needing to write is so
Needing to write is so important to me too, always has been as far back as I can remember. It was always my favourite subject at school, but I was always very slow, so got put to the bottom of the class. But since I've been on abc tales, which I joined in 2010, I've come on in leaps and bounds with the help of many writers that have come and gone. It's sad when we loose those writers that have become so precious to us.
Writing I agree can be a lonely passtime, but I do enjoy my own company, and feel so engrossed when writing, it takes me away to a place where I'm happy.
It's always good to know I'm not alone, which is why for me abc tales is so important...long may it go on.
You take care.
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