By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 1779 reads
My son Daniel, four years ago he moved into a studio flat. It was in bad condition. Lots of things did not work in there. The lighting, the cooker that the landlord claimed was new, the was no hot water in the whole flat, the washing machine leaked, into the flat below, his bike he uses to get to work, was stolen downstairs, most of the junkies, who lived in the tatty building didn’t go to work.
Daniel only works nights, so his tiny flat was mainly used to just sleep in. The shower room had no light and no loo seat, my son had reported all that needed repair, but nothing happened. When he eventually told me, I secretly went and reported it, and only then did the repairs take place.
For this awful studio room, he paid £300 a month, direct debit, that low price shows just how low the standard of the flats was. Daniel never missed a payment.
Daniel then came back home. Soon after that it was covid. Daniel didn’t have banking on line. The banks were all closed, he was unable to get it set up. When the banks did open it, queues were far too long. Far too long for a night worker to try and get some sleep, then join the queues, before going back to work on the night.
After many months trying off and on, he eventually got onto his internet banking. It was then he saw that he had over paid £2,000 for the rent after he had moved out.
His landlord is called Jez, he was informed, via his ‘secretary’ in the office she said, to Daniel via Jez, “I will speak to my accountant and get back to you.”
He didn’t, it was then that Daniel informed me, and I got on the case!
I tried email, but that was not direct to him, nor was there anyway of phoning him. He was hard to get a hold of.
I was given his name, so I googled him and got more information about him, I found out his birthday, his age, other business he owned and how much he was Worth! He is a very wealthy man.
I wrote him nice letters, sent registered signed first-class post to two of his business. Shockingly he didn't reply. Well it takes two to have an argument, but if the other person is not communicating, there isn’t much anyone can do.
I’m not called Maxine for nothing, so I with my husband’s help we tried the next step. I made some phone calls, and from there was given some advice, I even wrote on a forum and was given some advice there too.
There was a lot of back and forth, as these things take time and in between work, and putting on hold which worked out over time hours and hours over the months and months trying. Daniel said to me one day, “I will give you half Mum, if you are successful.” When Paul and myself filled in the form on-line, we were asked if Daniel won, the money back, “Do you just want the money back or do you want it back with interest?” We decided not to be greedy and put just the money, if he was successful.
We had to go on line and then we were informed, “Before the courts will have anything to do with you, you need to pay costs of £115.00.” That was a sting, we didn’t expect that, so I informed Daniel, who gave me the money and I paid it on his behalf.
Time past and then Daniel had an email, to inform him, “We have tried to contact Jez, he did not reply to us, you have won the case.”
We were ecstatic, but it wasn’t over just yet. We waited for the money, but heard nothing, after a few months I rang to see what was happening and was told, “You need to pay the Bailiffs £85” We couldn’t believe it, so we informed Daniel and explained “You will get all the money back, the £2000 the £115 and the £85.” It was all adding up. I thought the very poor with nothing would struggle. Two thousand pounds on it’s own is a mega amount.
I was asked, where I would like the Bailiffs to go, I typed in one of Jez’s addresses, I would have added the other address but there was only space for one. After yet another phone call, I was told were to post that letter to the Bailiffs by hand. I was excited.
Another month or so went by, and still heard nothing, it was Very frustrating. There was no contact number for them so I made a phone call to the courts, and eventually I was given the correct phone number, I was informed, “A letter will be sent to you.”
The letter said, “The address you gave us Jez no longer owns it.” It went on, “If you want us to try another address it might cost you another £85.” They must be having a laugh!!!! In the original email for the courts, they had the information of both address and If like me, they could simply google his name and see all six and more of his business, it was SO unfair!
I was tempted to pay the next £85 to the Bailiffs, but I thought, why should I? I do not have £85 to throw away.
I then again googled Jez and to my horror I saw that since the Bailiffs went to the business, that I gave them the address he has changed it to owing just £1 of it!!! This greedy man is worth a million pounds.
Two thousand, two hundred and fifteen pounds is worth nothing to him.
So, Jez has still got Daniel’s money, courts has still got Daniels money and the Bailiffs too. All three are Silent. Getting rich of the poor people. If Daniel was not my son, I would have given up a long time ago. I have felt like giving up and just walking away, but there is over a thousand pounds in it for me, and a thousand pounds is a lot of money. Some time next month, I will hand write the Bailiffs and ask them, what is my next step to getting this money? Why do they make it so hard?
Wish me luck!
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What an awful story! I hope
What an awful story! I hope you're successful in the end
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Gosh that is a grim story,
Gosh that is a grim story, but inspiring - YOU ARE AN AMAZING MUM!!!!! I do hope you get this sorted
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Could a lawyer have helped
Could a lawyer have helped speed up that process? But I'm not sure what that would cost either. So sorry there are such rotten, greedy landlords out there; I hope you eventually get back your son's money for him and all the other expenses too.
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This is a disturbing story.
This is a disturbing story. It seems that the law in this land just does not work, or if it does it works for the rich or the landlord and not for the ordinary people. It does make you wonder why we do not have a kind of police force to ensure that civil matters are dealt with efficiently and fairly, partly publicly funded to ensure straightforward justice. the court systems etc don't work fast enough or bring justice.
And we pretend we have a good system of democracy and law, but we don't do we?
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