I was only joking!

By Rhiannonw
- 1186 reads
They thought it fun
when they began
to trick or tease
but someone was hurt,
and anger burst
upset, not pleased
felt mocked, and shocked
fun imploded, backfired.
Do you know your victim well – a friend?
Will they understand what you intend?
Don’t play with fire
on vulnerable emotions.
[IP: MIschief]
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I hate when people exploit
I hate when people exploit others with abuse for fun, it's not clever and can cause so much pain in the victims life.
I've seen first hand that a victim can be taken down so low, that they end their life. This makes me sick to my stomach for those poor sufferers.
I was at the hands of abuse when in school, being threatened and shamed is not funny at all.
Writing a poem is the best way to bring it to light. Well done Rhiannon.
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We need to be careful what we
We need to be careful what we say. We can all be victims. That sticks and stones saying just isn't true.
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Very true Rhiannon - well
Very true Rhiannon - well said!
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"... felt mocked, and shocked
"... felt mocked, and shocked
There's a fine line between humour and bullying. It can be precarious to navigate so maybe best not to even undertake the journey.
A thoughtful, meaningful poem, Rhiannon. Paul
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Very true. And there are so
Very true. And there are so many different ways of hurt happening. An off the cuff remark can lodge in the recipient for the rest of their lives, like a splinter. And sometimes insecurity causes a group to "other" one of its members which can heal over by the next day, like footprints on the beach, or become more and more entrenched till that person feels completely isolated and no amount of talking can comfort them, but sharing in laughter would
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Practical jokes
Practical jokes can often lead to terrible accidents and then it's not so funny anymore. At best they humiliate someone. In my experience pranksters are usually not too bright.
Keep well! Tom
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