"The Coffee House Spy" 12

By Penny4athought
- 781 reads
Brent’s heart squeezed with pain seeing his brother’s life resigned to a dozen labeled boxes and his furniture and mementos tossed haphazardly into the corners of a cold storage room; it was like a mausoleum.
“You inside…?” Thies asked over the com.
“Yeah; I’m in.” Brent’s tone was fierce as he ripped open the first box.
“I’ll signal you in ten.” Thies told him.
Brent worked quickly to open all the boxes and rifle through them, bagging anything that needed closer inspection. Then he examined the furniture, looking for hidden storage, but found none.
“Anything stand out?” Thies asked through the com.
“No, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something here,” Brent answered as he slid the bagged items into several, hidden, side pockets on his uniform.
“Okay, your time’s up; you’d better get out of there,” Thies warned.
Brent agreed and stepped back into the hallway.
He locked the door and moved into position a mere two seconds before Stacy and the foreman turned into the hall and walked towards him.
“She got lost,” the foreman grunted, “any issues here?”
“No sir, none at all.”
“Good, you can go back to your post.”
Brent nodded and walked away as Stacy stepped back to her post.
The foreman gave her a critical eye. “I'll be back later to cover your break, Ms. Pickleton.”
“Thank you sir,” Stacy replied, with a smug smile intended to annoy, and it did.
The foreman sighed but said nothing more and walked away.
The night was long and boring.
“I could use a strong cup of Joe,” Stacy muttered into the com.
Thies laughed,” I’m going to bet the coffee here will be nothing like a good cup of Joe.”
“Well, I’ll let you know,” she whispered under her breath into the com, but not loud enough for the approaching foreman to hear her, “My break starts now.”
“So where’s the break room?” she asked the foreman sweetly.
He advised her to look on her map.
Stacy opened the detailed drawing and gave him a theatrical frown. “Where exactly is it?”
The foreman shook his head but pointed it out on the map. “It's right there, left of the restrooms.”
“Oh yeah, thanks chief,” she said smartly, “Be back in fifteen.”
The foreman grumbled under his breath as she walked away.
Stacy stepped inside the designated break room needing a hit of caffeine but shivered with distaste at the coffee maker and its stained carafe, filled with a murky looking brew. The equally unappetizing boxes of stale donuts sitting open on the crumb ridden counter didn’t bode well for her appetite either. She decided against tasting either and pulled a pack of gum from her pocket, thinking she should have packed some beef jerky and her favorite can of cold caffeine.
“I chewed gum all the time when I was quitting,” Romeo said as he stepped into the room and saw her putting the pack of gum in her pocket.
“Yeah, it helps,” she said, having little desire to converse with him.
He walked over to the coffee station and grabbed a large mug from the cabinet.
“You’re going to drink that?” She asked in astonishment.
“Sure, why not?” He shrugged and filled the mug to the brim.
“It looks a bit old to me,” she offered, holding back a gagging sound when he took a sip.
“Gets better with age,” he said and took another sip.
When he picked up a stale donut to dip into his coffee, she knew she had to leave.
“Well, my break’s over,” she said with a shiver and walked out of the room
“You were right, the coffee is undrinkable.” Stacy whispered into the com as she walked back to her post.
Thies chuckled. “That’s why I keep a roll of caffeine flavored lozenges and some beef jerky on me when I’m on assignment.”
“It would have been nice to know, and nicer still if you’d offered some,” she groused under her breath as she turned onto the hall and, with Thies chuckle in her ear, walked towards the foreman.
The foreman smiled at her and nodded with approval.
“I see you’re not a lingerer.”
“A lingerer…?”
“Someone who tips the minutes of their break upward.”
“No, I’m not a lingerer,” she chuckled.
“Good; I’ll radio you at the end of your shift,” he said and walked away.
Emily sat on the fire escape outside her kitchen window with Sir Harry by her side for over an hour, because she was afraid to go inside her apartment.
She stared through the window, terrified by the chaos she saw in her kitchen, everything from every cabinet had been tossed out. She could only imagine what she’d find in the rest of her apartment. That man had been looking for something and she was afraid he’d return.
She needed information, why had she become a person of interest to this unknown burglar? And she knew someone who might have that answer.
Emily took her cell phone from her purse and found the number Brent had placed in her contacts and, with her heart beating in her throat, she called it.
Brent had just stepped into the disgusting break room when he felt his phone vibrate. Since he was the only one in the room, he slipped the phone out of the side flap on his arm and looked at the caller’s name on the screen.
His brow drew down in concern; why would Emily be calling him?
“Hi Emily; I hope Sir Harry isn’t in trouble.”
“Sir Harry is fine; you’re the one in trouble.”
Brent’s brow furrowed and he asked with caution. “What’s going on?”
“What’s going on? I found a hidden drive sewn into your dog’s collar and a man just tossed my apartment, and I think he was looking for it; that’s what’s going on and I demand to know why!”
He’d heard her say she’d found a drive and his heart rate increased; it had to be the clue he’d been looking for from his brother, but he kept his elation out of his tone knowing she was scared. He had to talk her down.
“Are you alright Emily?”
“I’m fine; I got out before he came in but I don’t know if he’ll be back, and I think I have a neighbor spying on me too. What’ve you gotten me into Brent; is my life in danger?”
Brent was thrown by her assumption that a neighbor was spying on her, but he focused on the need to keep her calm.
“I’m sorry Emily; I never meant for you to become involved but…I’ll be home in the morning.”
“I can’t stay here tonight; I have to leave.”
“Listen…if they’ve already trashed your apartment and found nothing; they won’t be back; trust me. Please, stay there and I promise you, I’ll be there first thing in the morning and I’ll explain everything and you will be safe.”
Emily didn’t want to stay but she had no where else to go; she hoped he was right, that they wouldn’t come back tonight.
“Fine I’ll stay, but if you’re not here by eight tomorrow morning, I’m gone. And I’m not leaving a forwarding address; got it?”
“I promise you; I’ll be there.”
“You’d better be,” she sighed and hung up.
Brent hung up the phone too and heard Thies in his ear.
“Do we have a development with Emily?”
“We do.”
“I’ll bet it was that fat suited agent, who trashed her apartment, but what was he looking for? She isn’t involved other than keeping your dog,” Stacy said, speculation in her tone.
Thies and Stacy had only heard Brent’s side of the conversation; they didn’t know about the drive Emily had found and Brent didn’t have time to enlighten them now.
“We’ll discuss the possible reason why later, but we have four hours-”
A blaring alarm broke off Brent’s words followed by an all call on the walkie-talkie from the foreman, demanded all the guards return to the main hall, pronto!
“What the hell?” Thies said into the com.
“Something‘s up; we’d better get to the main hall,” Brent responded.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Stacy murmured.
Only eight guards responded to the foreman’s call and Stacy noticed Romeo/Roger was missing.
“We have a beech in protocol,” the foreman told them, “And everyone will be questioned before anyone can leave. So get comfortable; it’s going to be a long night.”
Stacy looked at Brent and Thies and wondered if they’d been found out?
Emily brewed her third pot of coffee and watched the clock, waiting for Brent to show up.
She’d put everything in her apartment back in its place, called a locksmith to change her locks, after she’d found that voyeurs camera and ripped it off of her door jamb. Her nerves were stretched taunt and her mind was racing from both fear and caffeine.
“If your owner isn’t here by eight; we’re out of here pal,” she said to Sir Harry who was eating his very early breakfast.
She’d packed her bags but beyond that ritual, her plan wasn’t well thought out.
It wasn’t going to be easy to escape with a big dog. She’d thought of getting on a train, maybe a sleeper big enough for the dog and her but her savings wouldn’t allow for that luxury, and she wasn’t sure they’d allow Sir Harry in coach.
A plane was out because she couldn’t subject the dog to a carrier, even if there was a carrier big enough for him, and a bus wasn’t even a consideration.
She’d have to rent a car, get to a hotel that allowed pets and pay whatever charge this size dog would net for a room, and from there she’d call the police. That was her current, third pot of coffee plan and she was sticking to it, if Brent didn’t show up! He had one hour left she noted, staring at the clock on her kitchen wall, and pouring herself another cup of coffee.
It was nearly seven in the morning and five of the guards were still sitting in the disgusting break room. Stacy, Brent and Thies were among them.
They’d all been questioned several hours ago and told to wait in here. Three of the guards questioned had not returned to the break room.
Finally, the foreman walked into the room.
All eyes swung hopefully his way and one guard spoke up.
“Can we get out of here now? I got kids I got to get to school?” A watchman named Jim asked.
The foreman nodded. “Yes, you’re all free to go and you’ll be paid for the additional hour.”
The guards stood up and maneuvered around each other and the tables to get out of the small room and had to walk past the foreman on their way out.
The foreman placed a hand on Stacy’s shoulder as she walked by him, making her stop.
“Just one more question for you, Ms. Pickleton.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Are you sure you didn’t see or hear anything when you got lost earlier, walking from the restroom?”
“No, and I did call you once I realized I didn’t know my way back.”
“Hmmm, yes you did. And the guard, Roger, you said he talked you up when you came in for your shift and later he’d wandered over to your post on the way to his…”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“But you don’t know him?”
“No, and I didn’t want to know him, and if you’d heard our conversation, you’d know that too.”
The foreman continued to stare at her; maybe looking for signs of deception she thought but she kept her expression open and innocent.
“Okay; you can go,” he said with a nod.
Brent got behind the wheel of his car and waited until Thies and Stacy got into their respective cars before he spoke.
“I don’t know what happened in there but we don’t have a lot of time to get to Emily before she leaves,” he said into the com.
“Yeah; so we need to move,” Stacy agreed.
Thies didn’t respond; he pulled out of the space and gunned the engine, then raced out of the parking lot. His car ate up the road and at the corner he turned in the wrong direction.
“What are you doing?” Brent asked, but no reply came from Thies.
Stacy wasn’t sure what he was up to either until she saw an unmarked car pull out of the lot and follow Thies.
“He’s being a decoy; now you get to Emily and I’ll wait another few seconds and go a different way back,” Stacy told him.
Brent left the parking area at a much slower speed than Thies, not wanting to draw any attention but just incase, he did turned down several side streets to make sure he wasn’t being followed.
He parked the car two blocks way from the apartment building and still waited to see if he’d gained a tail; when none appeared he got out of the car and nonchalantly walked down the street.
Brent ran up the five flights of stairs and knocked impatiently on Emily's door.
When she opened it he saw several pieces of luggage were sitting in her living room.
“You weren’t kidding about leaving,” he said, nodding to the suitcases.
“No, and you’re late.”
“Only five minutes,” he said, stepping into her living room.
Emily closed the door and locked it before she turned to him.
“So tell me what’s going on with you, and why someone broke in here.”
“Do you have that drive you found in Sir Harry’s collar?”
“I do but I’m not giving it to you, not until I know what’s going on.”
“Fair enough; why don’t we sit down and have a cup of coffee-”
‘I don’t need any more coffee; my nerves are dancing just fine.”
Brent could tell she was caffeine wired, but he was caffeine deprived.
“Okay, but I really could use some, if it’s not a bother.’
Emily frowned; she wanted to deny him; he’d put her in a dangerous place and she needed answers but she could see he was dead on his feet and needed the jolt.
“There’s a fresh pot in the kitchen, help yourself,” she offered with an ungracious grimace, “I guess your travel was hectic, to get back here by morning?”
“It was a tricky travel arrangement,” he mumbled, not lying.
A large mug of seaming coffee in front of him and three rejuvenating sips later he began.
“You weren’t far off the mark Emily, when you called me a spy that first day in the coffee shop.”
Emily scoffed, “I knew it, that’s why you ran away! But….why are you wearing a…what is that a museum guard uniform?”
“It’s a disguise.”
“So, you’re a spy with multiple identities?”
“Sometimes but…I’m not a spy in the way you think…I’m hired and highly trained by the government but sometimes my services are used by private benefactors.”
“What does that mean; you have no loyalty?”
Brent sighed and shook his head. “I can’t offer specifics; it would put you in…”
“What? It would put me in danger?” She laughed, “I think that’s a moot point don’t you?”
Brent frowned but she wasn’t wrong, and she was in this danger because of him.
“I’m loyal to our nation but I’m loaned out too. I work deep undercover on assignments that at times, the government can’t openly sanction.”
“So you’re CIA?”
“I’m not easily labeled Emily, but here’s what you need to know; my brother has gone missing and there are agents who aren’t trustworthy. They’re after him, and looking for a clue to where he is. I have to find him first.”
“Wait…you’re saying a rouge agent broke into my apartment looking for information on where your brother is?”
He nodded. “And I think you’ve found the clue they were looking for….You see, Sir Harry is my brother’s dog.”
Emily stared at him as she processed everything he’d said. He’d put her in danger by having her watch his dog?
Sir Harry trotted into the room and over to her; he laid his big head in her lap and Emily absently rested her hand protectively on his head. “So that man yesterday was after Sir Harry?”
“It’s possible but, since he trashed your apartment, it’s more likely he was looking for something…the something you’ve already found inn Harry’s collar. Can I see the drive?”
“Sure; I’ll go get it.”
Emily walked into the living room, pulled her note pad from her purse, took the drive out of the pouch and walked back into the kitchen.
“Here it is,” she said, opening her hand and showing him the small, square drive.
Brent’s adrenaline accelerated as his hand closed over it. “Thank you,” he breathed, “I have a reader downstairs and-”
“What do you mean downstairs…where downstairs?”
Brent gave her a slight smile. “The fourth floor apartment is mine; I’m Peter Perocino. It’s a disguise I’m not fond of but-”
“What?” She interrupted him, and her eyes went wide with accusation, “You’re the birdwatcher; the voyeur who’s been spying on me with a camera on my apartment door?”
“What? How did you-?”
“How did I find out?” She asked, enraged by his admission and poked her finger at him, “I found out when I ran from my apartment down the fire escape with Sir Harry to get away from the man breaking in and I thought that odd bird-watching neighbor would help me but when I got into that apartment through the kitchen window, you could say I got an eye full!”
“Again, I’m sorry you’re involved Emily. We’ve been keeping a watch on your apartment, that’s why the camera was there, to keep you safe.”
“Well it didn’t help last night did it? And…wait…we? Who else is watching me?”
At that moment a harsh knock sounded on her apartment door and here eyes went wide with fear; she shook her head and whispered, “I’m not expecting anyone.”
Brent nodded and, in one smooth move, pulled his gun from inside the uniform.
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Tension really building up
Tension really building up now! They're going to need all that caffeine.
I've been in 'break rooms' like that. Stacy has all my sympathy.
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The story's becoming really
The story's becoming really gripping now...a real page turner Penny. As the pressure mounts, I look forward to finding out what happens next.
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Yes, I like the way the plot
Yes, I like the way the plot strands are coming together. It's definitely gone up a few notches in terms of tension. Looking forward to reading more, Penny. Paul
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