Nanny, Shot Herself In The Foot!

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 557 reads
In general, we feed our six cats twice a day. Morning and around Tea time.
In the mornings when I feed them, I always give them a treat on the top of each of their food. I try to make it nice whenever possible, and they know it. I start off with cat food, into each of their six little dishes, which is washed each morning.
I am always looking out for reduced items that I know they will love, like pate, cheap ham, chicken, and fish. Christmas in the best time to buy give away pate and freeze it for the cats.
Usually, Tea time for Paul it is a free for all, when he gives them breakfast and also in the mornings, but not so with me. I stick to the individual dishes, for some cats are bigger than others, and it makes it fair. Jonathan is the slowest eater and all the others would eat his food if there was no adult to watch them.
Usually Tea time, it is just cat food, and if they don’t want it, then that is ok, there are others who will eat it, the choice is there’s. it is there if they are hungry.
A few days ago, I happen to have something special left over from breakfast, reduced pate that I had bought the evening before and there was plenty left over for their afternoon feast.
I had put the cat food in their individual dishes and added a good portion of pate on top of each meal.
The food was then placed, in their usual spot on the kitchen floor, for they always eat in the exact same place.
Nanny, however is on a special diet, since she became unwell a few years ago, if she eats too much, she is sick, or it comes out the other end!
So, I make sure I give Nanny the very best. Her cat food is mashed up and the best of what the others will also have, is given to her. For our aim is to make sure she keeps her food down and in her, it is no good if it comes back up. Hence, she usually finishes first.
I had given then all their precious pate, I stayed in the kitchen as they all ate their meal at Tea time, for a moment I wasn’t paying attention as I was on my phone and I saw as Nanny stole the pate from Clarence!
When Paul came back home, from walking Celtic, I said to him, “Nanny has shot herself in the foot!” For I was annoyed, that she had done that, and now she would not have a treat tomorrow morning, I would give hers to Clarence!
But that is no way to treat an OAP or any animal. Nanny is a beautiful, friendly, sweet cat.
The following morning, she did not loose out at all. Clarence and Nanny, and the others, all had and enjoyed their breakfast plus their special treats.
Jonathan, is the only cat in the morning, who will realize if there is no treat, he will walk away from his dish and look at me as if to say, “Where is my treat?” But if I don’t have it, I don’t have. There is always the next time I go shopping. xXx
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It sounds like all your cats
It sounds like all your cats are living the good life. I love their names. I have a very fussy cat. Magnus, he has put on weight recently and I know my neighbour feeds him, what I don't know, pate maybe.
Tricky having six, especially when you have to micromanage meal times to ensure Nanny keeps it down. Jonathan clearly has vey high standards, holding out for the luxuries.
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Those six cats are very lucky
Those six cats are very lucky to have such a caring owner and for your kindness in making sure each one has a special treat, and doesn't lose out on it because they're slow to eat.
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