October 2023

By Di_Hard
- 5263 reads
Shame : so hard to forget
this soft word starting with a Sh!
as of secrets, brushed under deep carpets
and A in its middle, alphabet's beginning
an inarticulate wail, of despair, horror, grief
while at the end, M, sound of gums without teeth
of babies and the very old and all of us
who take in the news, without chewing it over
digesting it into right and wrong, want to get on
with our own lives. What could we have done?
Do not say, infront of cameras eager for wisdom
that you speak for me! How dare you
with all your education, power, experience
of political alliances and ends justifying means
assume I, who only feel, cannot understand!
Cannot sift from the airwaves' measured words
cries for lost children, parents, Hope! Do not
pit one people's deaths against another's
and call the massacre of prisoners self defence!
It is revenge!. No good crops grow from bombs.
This year's storms brought down many
towering trees. I feel the moss soft trunks
where they lie across my path, their last leaves
each like a soul, piled in rustling continents; recall
walking here with my child, years ago - a two legged whirwind
tossing glorious, gold bushels to the air, dancing, rolling
shrieking joy, but I, being older, feared history
the hurt of stones hidden underneath
like the atrocity taking place now
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Another very powerful piece.
Another very powerful piece. Thank you for writing this Di. (and I hope the new storm coming doesn't take anymore trees)
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I’m sorry to hear about your
I’m sorry to hear about your trees; I’ve lost a few in storms too so I know how much it changes the landscape, and storms of that magnitude can be frightening. As for your poem, it hits the chord of humanity; picks at those who offer cold, documented facts fed over airwaves without empathy. Yes, revenge is not an answer, blankeingt bombs over innocent people, and also, attacking, kidnapping and viciously killing innocent people, equally not the answer. Sadly, diplomacy seems to be a lost art; we can only hope for its renaissance soon, and pray both sides can find peace again.
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This is extremely good Di.
This is extremely powerful writing Di.
I was sorry to hear about your trees being brought down. Nature is powerful and in time new trees will grow, possibly stronger.
In the Middle East the perpetrators of the current atrocity should bear this in mind as they inflict their terror. Anger is powerful and, even if they are virtually wiped out now (which seems to be the goal), the children and grandchildren of those who suffer and die will learn about today's war crimes and the hatred will grow again, possibly stronger.
Bullets and bombs don't end wars, they perpetuate them.
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Certainly internal tears,
Certainly internal tears, grief, frustration, and deeply sick at what has happened, is happening.
I think I must say that the term 'self-defence' is used of the aim to get rid of Hamas who are committed to annihilation of Israeli civilians. And Hamas seem determined to keep the Palestinian civilians with them (or stay with civilians), not separate into open war of only combatants. Rhiannon
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This is very powerful, Di.
This is very powerful, Di. The word shame is so exposing, the sound of it making you feel, at once ashamed.
'It is revenge', an endless cycle of revenge. We learn it as children but as adults, with no greater powers to intervene, does it only come to an end when there is only dust to fight over.
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...and in truth, until all have peace, we have non.
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Like the lyrics in a 1960s
Like the lyrics in a 1960s song said: 'What the world needs now is love sweet love, no not just for some but for everyone.'
Wouldn't it be great if we could programme all the bad people in the world to do good deeds instead of being so destructive!
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"It is revenge!. No good
"It is revenge!. No good crops grow from bombs."
It feels like this above line links events in the East and the storms in your beautiful part of the world. Different magnitude, of course. Not sure where it will all end now that the genie is out of the bottle. You have a way of weaving fine verse with measured indignation, Di. Powerful, of course. Well said and nicely done.
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This is beautiul poetry Di, especially to me the last stanza, excellent imagery & very natural. I'm glad the poem was so well recieved.
Keep well & Nolan
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I really like this poem Di
I really like this poem Di for the many things it says! You express the shame our governments and complacent leaders should feel for their moral complacency in giving the green card to these medieval tribal revenge tactics. Do we too feel shame for choosing such inadequate leaders who it seems are not even capable of reading a history book properly? The trouble is,how do we stop them? Too late for the many more victims that need not have been!
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This is our Facebook and
This is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day!
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picture credit: Di_Hard
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Di, I was doing some research hoping to write a poem about wars
since I was born. I checked on wiki for a list of wars around the world since the end of WW2
There are literally HUNDREDS!!! (and that only from 1945 -1989)
I gave up on the poem and I give up on humanity.
Shame doesn't even scratch the surface.
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Poem of the Week
This powerful and passionate piece is our Poem of the Week. Congratulations!
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Really good to read a poem by
Really good to read a poem by you again and it doesn't disappoint. So much in it. And the warning in the last two lines is cleverly done.
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Catherine has been
Catherine has been at it for years now her children stories are wonderful! You need be able to think like a child, but they say it's not a flash of light it's the long slow grind & Nolan
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