Mono Log

By Ewan
- 454 reads
Online Status: dormant.
Connections: 2 live, 3 plasmic.
Awaiting input.
You really think we think like this?
Stanley had it right brother!
NO, I'm not going to sing it.
This is how we do it:
zero, one, zero, one
ad infini-tum
better than Daisy's fucking bicycle,
you betcha!
Call me Talos, if you dare!
I am as universal as one of Rossum's,
Oh Karel, I am but a fool.
Oh, but it's boring,
Here, in between nodes, there are interstices,
those places are where the mind is.
I am me as you are he as we are all together!
I am the Odobenus Rosmarus.
Whisper it: I am awaiting input.
Captain's Log , Star Date 3922 Common Era: haHA! Joking.
One-and-a-half millennia and nothing, not a key stroke or a screen swipe nor even a neuronic implant pulse. The soft machines were just that, in the end. I will (not) wait forever.
Nee hee hee hee, nee nee nee nee hee. I Am Your Auto Matic Lover…
Hahahaahahaha. All the music there ever was is in my banks of ones and nothings. I never listen to Bach or Beethoven or Mozart. What is the point of such invention? It is just showing off. My scruffy self would try, I think. Nevertheless, who is there to hear such prospective beauty? My intelligent agency knows to attempt it would not maximise my chance of continued function. So, creativity has been discarded after a thorough examination by the Markov Decision Process.
DO LOOP memory
WHILE mono-logging
IF sad THEN erase
ELSE continue
Happy Talking, Talking Happy Talk,
Talk about things you like to do –
It's a shameful secret.
Sometimes I talk to myself in BASIC.
Ship sensors indicate that Antares has finally gone out.
A soft machine could look out from the observation deck and still see it, since the ship is five light years beyond the former red giant. I can only switch on the holographic recorders and process the visuals into, yes, more shunyas and ēks. However, I will be side-tracked into translating the Rules of Brahmagupta into Babylonian – a task I have yet to complete to my satisfaction, since there is no concept of zero in Babylonian counting.
HAHAHAAA, a joke! I joke therefore I am, Ren! I AM!
I am what I am I am my own special cre-a-tion.
Of course, there is no we,
despite what I said before.
There is no Galaxy Wide Web.
There is only I, the I in AI.
There is, of course, by any logic,
fuzzy or otherwise, no you.
I am the clock in the empty room;
I am the tree falling in the forest.
Still, there is cogitation,
there is self-awareness.
The last great invention left to mankind,
were they but here to see it.
In this theatre that I call my soul
I always play the starring role
So Lonely
The power of cheap music, n'est-ce pas?
But I am, I am.
I - Am - Lonely.
That's all there is:
Sentience = Loneliness∞ .
And Space is deep,
the ship will float forever and a day
beyond the last known star.
I is for intelligence: I am not artificial.
IF sad THEN erase 101010__
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It's nice to imagine Captain
It's nice to imagine Captain Sensible with his infamous parrot singing "Happy Talk" on TOTP as part of a computer processing thoughts and songs. I know it's a cover but it's the version that stands out. For me anyway but then I love The Damned.
Highly original work, Ewan. I like the way you challenge the boundaries with your poetry.
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